音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2010-Aug-25 (Wed), 23:11@GMT-7

✿ Google is Amazing!

This afternoon, I by chance mis-closed my gmail window, and when it reloaded, a small box popped up beside the chat.
Call phones in gmail!
Ooh, seemed Google was introducing their new service. Call US and Canada for free. Sounded good, but wasn't that like google voice? Both can call US and Canada for free, and both have low rate for international callings. Plus, I got $0.1 to for my first experience!! I was wondering if that was an integration of gvoice and gmail.
I wished that was. Thus, I accessed my previous gmail account, which has gvoice account. But I saw nothing like "call phones in gmain" small banner being above my gtalk buddy list. I was confused. Were they only offering the new feature to non-google voice users?
However, at night, I by chance loaded google voice home with my new g-account, and found that the g-voice account was ready for my new account. Oh, my! Sweet!
Then, I went to google blog, and found this post [ http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/call-phones-from-gmail.html ] and another similar post (link not shown). They are merging g-voice and g-mail as well as g-talk. Okay, not bad. Google, you're so amazing. I think I may apply for the cheapest cellphone plan and use g-voice a lot in future. XDD