音時雨 ~Regentropfen~


///Where to go my love?///
Finally the jacket is out, so adorable~~
KOKIA's 15th anniversary album, this time, the motif is love.
and the tracklist:
1. Dance with the wind
2. 愛はこだまする / love is echoing
3. you are not alone
4. liar liar ~ロマンティックワルツ / romantic waltz
5. something blue & something red
6. ヒトの中にあるもの / inside human beings
7. 微笑みを忘れないように / don't forget the smile
8. 夢の途中 / on the way of dream
9. 映画のような恋でした / like the love from a film
10. Where to go my love(Piano ver.)

Special Track(初回盤限定/LE only)
11. One by one, Day by day(The 5th season concert ver.)
Well, in case of KOKIA albums, it's not that surprising. The last song is from the 5th Season DVD (1st day? 2nd day??), but people who don't own them probably don't know this.
Although I myself would like a studio recorded version -- I have the DVDs~ XD
///I'm just picky, you know.///
While waiting for my "Krut Hymneth", I've been watching others' liveplay videos of Ar Tonelico series since last week. Right now, I'm on the last phase of A.T.2, and I finally know who Jakuri is (and I do like her!).
Yet, is that a fixed law that all main heros are like rubbish and sub-characters are much much better?
(btw @English translators, don't rewrite people's names as what you like!!!)
Lyner--absolutely rubbish typical RPG main character.
Misya--I don't like her appearance.
Orica--almost fine, but the only thing I don't like her is that she likes the main hero.
Shurelia--my goddess. XD
Jakuri>.....I don't like any other main characters in A.T.2. orz
Haven't started, just hope the story is good; the bad thing is that Noriko didn't sing for any character; the worse thing is I personally don't like Tilia (the character whom KOKIA sings for) at all...
So the conclusion: Noriko ftw~~
I'm thinking if I have a black (female) cat in future I would name her Jakuri, or Shurelia in case of a white kitty. (・ω・`)
↑ Actually that's how Noriko herself named her black and white bunny stuffed toys.
///With a katana, in the lifeless hospital.///
At last, about my personal experience in Silent Hill 3. It IS scary!!! Can't play at all without any delightful music (e.g. Rekka Katakiri). Suddenly feeling myself is so weak even I enjoyed "The Grudge" series a lot. ~_~
Anyway, I like horror so I'll keep playing on my own. I enjoyed solving the riddles too. I even spent hours reading about Shakespeare's tragedies. So far, my favorite weapon is Japanese sword (while dreaming about future Heather beam, don't know if I'll obtain it actually though).
And SH series does have superb soundtracks too. SH3 has the best flow overall, followed by SH2. I'm not that impressed by No.1 and No.4 soundtracks that much, but the main theme of SH1 is always the epic.

Theme of Loura (not Laura???)
↑ but now I moe this one much more, from SH2. XDD;