音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2007-Feb-16 (Fri), 24:55@GMT+8

✯ Theme of Spring

I started the theme of spring at last. This drafts were completed in April last year. The drafts were not very good, my level of drawing was not very mature that time, and it's the same now. However, I was very happy after 4 pictures finished today. They are much better than the drafts. Especially the Etta-chan's one, I was little worried if I can draw her well. I am really very happy for I did it. In a word, how it is joyful that I did a good beginning of the theme of spring.
やっと始まったの、春のテーマ。よく見ると、昨年卯月に描いてきたのね。って本気に言えば、そのときの絵、確かちょっと…まあ、そのとき私がまだまだあますぎたので、今は同じあまいだけど。でも、今日一日、すべて4枚の絵を描いてきた後で、私すごくうれしいの。今度の絵は草案よりずっとよかったのです。特に、エッタちゃんを描いたとき、最初は「エッタちゃんはどうするつもりなのかな?」って困ったことになったけど。今はうまくできたのは本当にうれしいのです!(あれれ?なんで私も「です」をよく使うことになるの?「Rozen Maiden」を見たのせいなのですか?)まあ、いっか。とにかく、春のテーマがうまかった始まりをあげると、うれしいのです!