音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Let Dr. Sense-of-Direction going AKUMU

There're no that many times I dream about video games in all kinds of forms and still remember it after I wake up: Silent Hill 3 and 4 for sure, and then PsychoBreak. That I clearly know the latter was so real, as if I were the main character and running away from Laura or Mr. Chainsaw, and praying for a lovely "check point".
In a sense, PsychoBreak thus made itself to be one of my favourites. And recently I finally began my long survival trip in AKUMU mode, aka the instant kill mode. I've got a pretty Death Record chart, and will be looking forward the outcome after I come back from the crazy loop of dying and loading and reanalysing and improving.
Yet I didn't know our Chainsaw man got me exactly 5 times in chapter 1! It should have been a piece of cake after clear the entire game two times. But who knows there's a pile of "stuff" blocking my way toward the exit.. and knitting with chainsaw man wasn't as easy as watching people streaming on YouTube. Without actually dying for a few times, I won't be able to figure out how the situation was in terms of the placement of various objects.
Chapter 1 took me 49 minutes, including all cutscenes (which applies to all following chapters, as what I've decided).
Chapter 2 could be the beginning of the real AKUMU experience. However, before I actually entered the surivial world, I got lost again in the beginning forest... and in my previous game plays, I got lost too. -__-
In AKUMU, I clearly feel the zombies are sharper in sensing me. Seems the view angle of them got wider so I got caught up more easily. And they run faster, making it impossible for me to throw a bottle at their faces.
Another big problem here was, I could barely see them, as if they are perfectly melted in the darkness. Sometimes I heard their voices surrounding me, and I turned around trying to locate them. Sadly, for most of times, they got me before I finding out where exactly they come from. For quite a lot of times, I attempted to run for a better distance in order to pull out the trigger, and out of luck some "objects" blocked me and I got stressed that I missed all my shots (like Leon said, I should really consider using a knife in close up fights but the system doesn't let me doing so). Either drop a match, or use the handgun. With a half second of hesitation, you'll be dead. Continuous dying got me tired on Friday evening, but at the same time, I did get a better memory about the geography of the village map, together with the enemy locations. I'm for sure getting better, which giving me a big feeling of achieving.
3 hours in total at the end of chapter 2. But the actual time I spent would be longer, as each "now loading" screen would take about 35 seconds.
Fortunately, I'm so pathetic that I couldn't do the no key + no upgrade run (yet). So at chapter 3 I felt much, much better. Not saying that I was able to open the lockers and upgrade the charming flash bolt, Tatiana was right beside me! I was happy and was almost on an one save per kill mode. Again, my brain went crazy and I had trouble find the proper way to the attic after turning the crank for the "old-man" doctor.
In AKUMU, I totally forgot they added one fake Ruvik near the gate, which caused quite a lot of trouble. Also thanks for that, I realised I could went across the fence and thus get access into the building where the doctor was in directly, without going from the front door. The building opposite got one sniper which was even a bigger threat than fake Ruvik. This time, I did something different, that I took the sniper down by shooting him from the room where doctor was hiding. That was fun.
Eventually I didn't want to bother killing Ruvik and all the zombies before dealing with the chainsaw -- as I could upgrade! I chose the second floor in the barn -- as once I got off and Ruvik imposter would get mixed in. I stabbed chainsaw man a couple of times, and finished him up with an explosive. Good thing was Ruvik imposter wasn't treated as an additional boss so he disappeared when chainsaw man was downed -- otherwise I'd be downed by Laura's claws..
Even that chapter 3 wasn't really a pain, 5 hours in total when I made it into the next chapter. I had to say I got lost again and went around the little village for long, only for a missed shotgun shell! Nothing is more important than ammo except your life.
Less deaths here though, and I was quite happy with my good luck in taking care of the bombs. Well trained by Shadow Hearts!?
Stay cool, Seb, we'll make it through!
I wish I could play "Clair de Lune". I'm not asking for something flawless, but now the biggest problem wasn't the key, but the high range in some parts. And I don't feel like I want to shift into the 5th position yet.
"Revive -remake-" is getting there! Now I just need to brush out a good environmentronemnt with a stronger taste! Somehow I got numbed by the song due to over-looping it. Need a break => PsychoBreak! xD;