音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ Cloudy days' stimuli

"The end of summer". Usually there's no such a thing but only a sudden weather change.
Being about 25 last week with a strong sunlight, now it had been cloudy + rainy for almost the whole week. Which definitely made me happy.
Meanwhile, the darker days also brought me a little change in music I wanted to loop.
Solely based on my current memory, the best one in an autumn rainy day has to be...
"人工庭園は翆緑石の雨に霞む" from "Yorlga II". Plus, taking a deeper consideration in its lyrics, it's giving me more stimuli... >///<
In case of classical music, Tchaikovsky and Chopin will be a good choice. But it's generally more abstract and harder to form a sharp "concept art" (I've tried with "Dumka Op. 59" and ended with nothing).
Apparently this stimulated my brain to air-sketch my next piece. Perhaps a while ago I also had some vague design ideas, though never came out so clear.
Right now, I believe this is the first time I'm writing it down, I'm focusing on the remake of "Last Show" I did based on KOKIA's "最終上映" back to 7 years ago. It had been largely redrawn comparing to the first time. As I said before, I'm becoming more and more used to multi-chars, so was this time. It did take a while to have the rearrangement, which ended up by combining two other old works -- also with large renovations. Now I had the same problem again. While I finished the character part within basically 3 days (on Sep. 4), I left them in my hard drive until last night without even thinking for a suitable background. Was such blank time necessary? I didn't know and I'm not intending to figure that out. The only thing I was sure about was the original background won't ever work, since that wasn't me who drawing it. So last night, when I eventually out of anime or gameplay videos to watch, I decided to resume.
Only talking about the outcome, it went pretty smoothly, and I gave it a boost this morning, to make it more "complicated": To fit the inspiration song, certainly there should be film strips -- flying around a music box, the pocket-watch-ish round type. The "assembly" itself was fun, since I mainly grabbed all elements from google image and applied scaling and/or distorting. But when the final makeup is done, just looking at all those rough edges or remaining pixel speckles or discontinuous tones/hues/shades going away does put me into a great mood. Ideally, some old film noise effect will make the entire thing even better (I highly expect it), but whether I can make it remains in question.
↑ Many points along with the second remake~
Things I forgot to bring up since last time:
"Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon". First knew about it was from its OST, by Ito Masumi. The music is good, so is the anime!
↓ I especially like this pair! xD

Maybe I shall mention it here together (since that's what they're playing in the above gif), I've reached the counter-stop in Dark Souls in last week!
To me, the most annoying boss is the Gravelord Neet. Four kings are actually easier, and I always skip the fight with Kalameet..
I must have bookmarked this page quite a while ago, maybe even back to last year, but never remember to test it out.
But it's working perfectly: to ignore the shebang line on my testing windows+apache server. Another reason to not use php! xD
Photoviewer is the classic. It runs faster, and easier to zoom in/out. Glad to get it back on win10!
I'm sure next time I'll be bringing the finished "last show remake"~