音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2011-Mar-13 (Sun), 19:48@GMT-7

❆ 私にできること

please enter the name of my favorite singer as the key (case sensitive):
2011-Mar-11 (Fri), 13:34@GMT-7

✾ About my blog life

- Before I started a blog, I only wrote diaries everyday. As more people got a blog, I also wanted my own one. In summer of 2006 (probably July), my blog was at first launched on a blog service whose name has been forgotten completely. I spent a lot of time to think up a blog name. At that time, the blog title was... okay, I confess, that was in Chinese, and was a very awkward one. However, I was bored with that blog service -- it couldn't show Japanese correctly! orz, then how could I be fine with my talking of lots of Japanese ACG/music titles? So I switched to my.opera.com (MyO) after 4 or around posts. Another reason, I wanted to go out of native service, I wanted to meet people all around the world. I then tried to write my blog in English, yet now, I can't understand what I was writting -- my English was so bad at that time. lol
- MyO was really pretty at that time. I especially loved its album feature. As a new beginning, I changed my blog title in English. Already forgot how I came up to that name, but I kept using the name till now, and never wanted to change again. My MyO was begun in August of 2006, and in that December, I randomly opened another's MyO blog; there were lots of posts introducing how to edit CSS for modifying the current template. Superb! I really didn't know anything about CSS at that time, and by that blog's help, I finally made my first blog design. Later, I learned more from him, and I was getting better and better in editing CSS -- every time of making a new template was kind of a new challenge for me; I was excited and a bit nervous, wondering if I could manage things well. ^^; (the link to his blog, in memory of my old days, but, I can never find his new address again)
- I really love MyO; I've spent too much of time with her. Although I've changed my username for a few times, I kept being on MyO for 4 years, sharing my random writings and drawings with the world. Some of my onlines also said my English got improved a lot (I believed so too!). During that 4 years, I've seen so many big improvements of MyO (as well as Opera; I've become a real Opera user soon after I began my MyO): status, new templates, easier-using editor, integration of other networks, nice picture uploader, etc. I ever dreamed we could stay together forever -- even though that tragedy of GFW-event ever happened. Eventually, nothing lasts forever, I was attracted by a freer platform (probably the biggest blog service in the world), Google blogger.
- To be honest, even before my original blog hosted on that unknown service, I've tried blogger a bit. I didn't like that, because I was nothing on editing the templates at that time. I found the place to edit the template, but I had no idea on how to do it. As a result, what I could use was those ugly default templates (the so-called "classic templates" currently on blogger). 4 years after, when I one day strolled onto blogger with my Google account again, I was surprised -- blogger has become so unbelievably good! Not only I knew more about how to edit a template, there were much more free templates for blogger and I can modify to get my own design. Plus, the sidebar, which is the most attractive part for me. On MyO, everything is fixed, you can't re-arrange the order of the sidebar modules, you can't insert your own widgets, and you can't use some html codes either, but you can do all of them on blogger. OMG, how nice that is!
- So, as you know, I betrayed MyO my good friend, and completely moved to blogger. Although there were somewhere different, it was much easier to make a similar design on blogger. The only disadvantage was that blogger (or say, Google) doesn't integrate an individual "album" page for blogger. What Google has is Picasa, a separate service. Fortunately, blogger soon released a new feature, to make individual pages on your blogger. Good feature, so I can just make an index for my photos and drawings. To make a similar design, I firstly wanted to just post every photo/drawing as a regular blog post, but that was not that good, you may get your posts messed up. So I reminded another G-service, g-sites.
- That was the beginning of my own domain. G-site was basically good (I'm not talking about its designing template feature... which is so poor orz) so you could organize your non-post stuff well in form of webpages. The short point was there was no way to get a more beautiful web address for your g-site, unless you have your own domain.
- All right, time to get a domain for myself, huh? Maybe you would ask, why not to use my blog title as the domain name? I wanted, but thought that didn't look neat. orz Because of my strong love toward KOKIA, I was trying to find something from her works, and then, I saw the one: song of pocchong. You know all the rest, I bet.
- About current blog title, I mean the first 3 kanji, I added them just before I made decision to register the domain. The reason? I don't remember clearly, but was mostly because I saw some expressions containing the last two kanji, and thus I made my own combination of words. In October of 2009, which was about 4 months after my new domain got activated, I suddenly fell in love with the song "Rainy Soul", and that's how I changed my subtitle to that. What's the previous subtitle? I don't wanna tell! :P
- All right. Life goes on, I still love blogging, changing blog templates, digging and trying new blog widgets/plugins. So that's my awkward&boring&nuts introduction about my blog so far (from Aug. 2006 to Mar. 2011), thanks for your reading. :bow:
-- kiyo @ 2011-Mar-11 14:34 in her lab
2011-Mar-09 (Wed), 23:30@GMT-7

✿ Cotton & moment #2

It was snowing for a few days, and now, it's getting warmer; snow is melting, yet the temperature just made me feeling even more chilling – and today was cloudy! Well, it's normal, I know... :vain:
Anyway, go back to today's topic. Yes, No. 2!! Still about "Cotton" and "moment". Just got some newest information about those two! :excited:
Well, maybe I should talk about "moment" first, since I wanted to write about it a on Thursday already yet I didn't have time.
About "moment", KOKIA has released a short interview on her youtube channel about it. If you're interested (and able to understand it), please follow this link: :see:
Here, I only want to say one thing, about the jacket.

*photo from KOKIA blog~<3
KOKIA posted this photo on the day she finished arranging songs in her new album. At that time, I didn't know that would be the future jacket. But...
I really love this photo! I like to look at the sky sometimes, no matter what the weather is. Maybe you've noticed, the most topic shown in my random snaps is about the sky. It's a kind of calmness for my own heart, and I was very happy that KOKIA also mentioned something similar. :roll:
Only two days, that could be the quickest recording, right? xD
By the way, on Victor Entertainment's KOKIA page, the tracklist has been posted, and this album will be released on May 18.

2.te a te / compensation
3.from 16
4.大人のオオカミ / an adult wolf
5.大丈夫 だいじょうぶ / it's all right
6.本当の音 / the real sound
7.優しい調べ / gentle melody
8.空でつながってる / linked by the sky
9.愛と平和と音楽と / love and peace and music
10.5つ目の季節 / the fifth season
11.もう一度… / once again...
OMG, ALL ARE NEW SONGS!!!! :star: So, I'll definitely order this one (just hope it can be available on yesasia.com so I can also buy GC's "Stay Soul" :P)
Now, about "Cotton vol.2". Finally, Noriko put new things in that page.
The release date is April 27. Wow, the same day as Akiko's new release! Awesome!!!
Yet, now I'm more interested in the tracks:
"荒城の月" and "とおりゃんせ"!!!
I know only these two. I've Lia's version of "荒城の月", and, "とおりゃんせ", isn't that the "phantom" song that was mentioned in GARNET CROW's "Rainy Soul"??? Oh, yeah, anyway, I'm really looking forward how Noriko will perform them! :karaoke:
P.S. just made a new smiley page for DN, so cute~ :3