音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2010-Dec-19 (Sun), 22:12@GMT-7

♢ Go, Priest!!

Continue to my previous post, today, my priest reached lv23!

Lv20達成!! // I reached Lv20!
In a main quest at Lv22, you will go to "death swamp" and before that, you need to talk to Argenta, and just before you leave...

うわぁっ、アルゼンタは私をキスをした!! // Kyaaa, Argenta kissed me!!! <3
I was too excited, no? XDD
Another Lv22 quest↓

Umm, that's an alter, literally according to the text.

獅子よ、私はここにっ!! // The boss is a lion... forgot its name orz ... anyway, that's a kind of chimera... ^^; I remember my sorceress died a lot of times in this dungeon lol

私は獅子を捕まった! // However, Cleric is strong, and he won easily!! xD

6ゴールド!「毒の清水」って、こりゃなんだろう…! // After the lion-stage, I went to sell what I picked up, and... see, that it is!! 6-gold-41-silver-50-copper!!! OMG!!! It says "toxic water being sealed in a transparent glass orb"... no clue... :P
I guess today I was very lucky. I met a gold strongbox twice. The first time, I forgot to take a picture, but this time, I did~

黄金の宝箱!! // Lots of money~~~ lol
When I only had around 20points of fatigue, I decided to complete today's last quest. That quest requires you to enter the dungeon "Death Swamp" in master mode and clear it by a higher than C rank. Master mode of that dungeon suggests 4 lv21 players entering together. My priest was lv22, and would be lv23 soon. I was lazy to party with more people, and wanted to earn more EXP. Therefore, I entered by myself. Hmm... no fear, I'm a priest! Just like "Death Forest", he would always be fine~
I thought I would die at least once, because my MP was not that much enough. But, well, I was lucky. The monsters dropped several times of "food" that could increase your HP/MP. In the boss-stage, when again I thought I was going to die, I killed a skeleton and he dropped a grape that can increase 50% of your HP/MP!! Oh, lucky, really!

死の沼、マスター、死ぬことなくクリア~ // Passed without dying!

211コンボ、カッコイイです~ // Max combo, 211, cool!!
During the second map of the "Death Swamp" dungeon, I leveled up to Lv23. So I learned a new skill later, the one I had been dreaming for a long time. I loved that skill so much when I was on DN CN!
↓Grand Cross~

そして私はlv23に達成した。新しいスキルがまじかっこいいです。( ゚∀゚ )
So that's today's report, and by the way, I tried to enter "Minotauros Nest" by myself, but... that was too hard to my lv23 priest... I quit in the boss stage because I knew I couldn't win... T_T But I will try it again when I level up to lv24, and get a new set of lv24 rare outfits.
By the way, just before I quit the game, I changed my just-for-fun guild name. Before, I used KOKIA's song "Shizuku no Uta" as the name, because the name I really preferred was "Road to Glory" but the system doesn't allow so many characters... orz However, I suddenly realised it might work if I use Katakana. "ロードトゥグローリー"!!! Right, another luck. I couldn't write one letter more than these name that contains 10 characters!
But I forgot to take a picture... well, maybe tomorrow~
At last, just hope I can go to Saint Heaven quickly, though I don't believe I can do it before X'mas. XDD
2010-Dec-18 (Sat), 18:08@GMT-7

✽ You know why I love cleric so much?

The first time when I tried Dragon Nest, I chose a sorceress, but this time, when I'm restarting on DN JP, I chose a cleric.
I have the serial code for the white wings, which is written as "輝白ノ翼" in Japanese. I've been dreaming to have them since I got my copy of KOKIA's "long journey ~Road to Glory~". But... almost half year later, my dream finally came true!
I was not sure whom I should give the wings to, a sorceress or a cleric. Yet eventually I chose cleric. Because... that's a bit complicated, but I just think he would look better with the wings. ... because I more love the character design of cleric... you see... =_= I will definitely begin to play a sorceress when my cleric's level becomes higher (lv 35 or above, I think).
However, I LOVE CLERIC'S VOICE!!! Namikawa Daisuke's voice~ such a sexy voice! =w=
to begin my cleric's growth diary...
When my cleric エレフセヤ♪ (Elefseja) came in Manaridge before Xmas, the small town was already in a huge festival ambience. Manaridge is the best one among all other towns in DN because of the white snow~ btw, I used the same name as that on DN CN, because I'm lazy, and really, really bad on naming males.. -_-b

101214 lv1 マナレージのクリスマス気分
After a quick leveling up to lv3, I walked around in Manaridge, and was excited by Mr. Blacksmith. The Xmas hat fits him perfectly!! XDD

101214 lv3 マナレージのお鍛冶屋さん
To level up to lv9 and go out of the newbie's town is pretty easy. If you have time, you can really do it in one day. However, I finished it in the second day. Here I want to say, the storyline of cleric is so... (I'm not spoiling) so I will only say I like it very much. :P
Anyway, since I was lv9 already and have completed all quests here, time to say goodbye to Manaridge.

101215 lv9_1 行ってきます、マナレージ
Go across Crystal Rain, I was going to Kyadirakku (forgot how to spell the town's name, orz)

101215 lv9_2 こんにちはクリスタルレイン
To be honest, that was not hard to level up to lv15 either! And I made it in the same day with the unused weekly FTG! ♪♪ By the way, I haven't died so far! Cleric is strong!!!!!

101216 lv15_1 レベル15達成
Finally, time to get an advanced job! Of course, I would still be a priest! I love this class, and another reason for me not to be a paladin is that paladin always fights closes to monsters, hmmm, not my favorite~ xDD I got the gift from system, a 7-day outfit.

101217 1 lv15_2 転職1

101217 lv15_3 転職2
Looking from back, you can see the cupid wings better~ :3
As what I planned, the time to obtain "輝白ノ翼" for my cleric finally comes! However, there was a side story. I typed the serial code for several times, but the system said the number was wrong. I was confused and... when I stared at the number again, I suddenly realised, that I might have confused "0" and "O", because the font. The result? My hunch was right... orz
But I was really excited by the wings! So beautiful!! Waahhhh~~ *faints*
Also, I was going to join a guild, but because the guild inventor hasn't been online and I was pleased by my wings, I decided to get my own guild -- even only to enjoy seeing its name!! You know, KOKIA's song, one of my favorite.
"雫の唄 / shizuku no uta".

101217 lv15_4 輝白ノ翼、ギルド誕生
Soon I leveled up to lv16. Time to change my items, all were rare-ranked!!!

101217 lv16_1 装備も揃えなくちゃ
With those new rare-ranked items, I was going to challenge a hard mode by myself. Before entering the dungeon, I took a glance at my wings again. Ohh, I saw information about how you can get it -- buy KOKIA's CD! Superb! XDD

101217 lv16_2 輝白ノ翼の説明にて、KOKIAさんの名前があるよ
Level 16. I suddenly wanted to challenge something I hasn't ever done before -- to challenge the abyss mode by myself when my level is only one higher than the recommendation. So I tried the dungeon "死者の森 / Death Forest", whose abyss mode suggests 4 lv15 players playing together. I entered by myself, at lv16.
Annnnd, I DIDN'T DIE!!! I think I was lucky enough. The monsters dropped meat and herbs for several times. If not, I thought I would die. When I was killing the boss' last blood bar, my own HP was rather low, and I even heard the system sound effect, the heart beating... Because I muted all sound on DN CN, I never knew that until that time. Cool~ :P
I also got 3S rank! Oh, yes!!

101217 lv16_3 一人で死者の森アビスクリア
Before I end this post, here is another funny thing. Because of lag/bug, I was blown outside of the map... see the green arrow that indicates where I was... I could see the map but couldn't enter it... orz

101217 lv16_4 変なところに連れて行かれた orz
Oh, I forgot mentioning one thing. When you reach lv10, you can join the "Goblin Fight" -- to fight with 300 goblins and earn lots of EXP points without using FTG. I didn't do it before, but now I decided to join because I can level up more quickly. When I was below lv15, my best record was around 150, but after my job changing, I could manage to win!! Another fact, before when I gave it my first try with my sorceress or archer, none of then could manage to win at lv15... Have to say it again, cleric is strong, really strong!! XDDD
2010-Dec-18 (Sat), 12:08@GMT-7

♢ My complaint toward DN CN...

You know, from my last DN playing post, which was in the middle of October, I began to play a cleric in Dragon Nest CN and found I really like that class. I do love being a sorceress, and I do love sorceress' amazing skills, but the huge disadvantage of a sorceress is she tends to die easily... or maybe because I'm not good at controlling, but so far as I know, my cleric apparently dies for less times than my sorceress. Well, talking about the appearance, I think the character design of cleric is better than sorceress. Hmm... at this point, I love archer's design but I don't enjoy being an archer that much. -_-
Anyway, I'm going to report my new experience on Dragon Nest JP from now on!! Don't talk any about how to go to DN JP, you can get the answer by googling. What I want to emphasis is that DN JP IS MUCH, MUCH BETTER THAN DN CN! Believe me.
First, you can revive for 5 times for free in each day, which is 2 times more than CN ver.; second, DN JP does not give you free cash shop items when you level up frequently like CN, but they do give you a pair of small, Cupid wings for 20 days. That is not bad at all. However, to be honest, I didn't enjoy those free cash shop items got from CN ver., because they are limited for a very short times (not more than 5 days, except a few others); third, there are less hackers on JP, but on CN, you can see some players keep posting message about hacking and other rubbish advertisements... really hate it; fourth, people on DN JP are more polite, I've just partied with some players yesterday, and I experienced the kind atmosphere a lot (don't party with them if you don't know Japanese, my advise here xDD); fifth, on CN, they have a system called "dragon eggs", at first I thought every region has this, but now I finally knew that is perhaps CN only! You can get copper/silver/gold dragon eggs/talons randomly, and if you get a 3S rank, you will have the chance to get diamond eggs. But, the problem is, talons to open gold/diamond eggs can only be found in the cash shop... gosh, they use this way to earn money (though those eggs may have more rare/epic items), and for non-real-money players, those eggs are absolutely rubbish... I hate this too. I can't enjoy a rare weapon or something else when I get a 3S rank... :wai:
However, the disadvantage of JP ver. is it's more troublesome to launch the game, and stuff in the cash shop is more expensive. xD
Much of complaint already... Okay, back to my topic... what I want to write is actually my recent experience on DN JP!!! I guess I'll do it in my next post. :P