2010-Feb-27 (Sat), 16:10@GMT-7
✯ light weekend time
I'm having my light weekend in the end of February.
Began from the last November or December, I finally got my Graduated Driver License Level 7 yesterday afternoon. Actually, I didn't spend more than a week to read the handbook; I was just lazy to read; I wanna know why though… the result wasn't bad. You are only allowed to make five mistakes. Mine was three. Yet I was a bit worry when I had already got two wrong answers within the first ten questions. Anyways, I got it~
I've been watching the ultra-long-anime "Detective Conan" for a few weeks. – Because of it, I haven't got time to watch "Top Gear" and "Discovery Channel." – I was amazed because of that this anime has been continued for 13 years, yet I still like and want to watch it. I was also a bit depressed by that they changed the cast voice of a main character, Mouri Kogoro. I only watch one episode with Mouri's new voice, so I can't tell if the new voice performs a good or not Mouri. But, I just like the form voice, which stayed for 13 years with us…
I updated a Windows 7 Japanese package. Now my display language is Japanese. The font it so cute, I can't continue without mentioning it.
I made a plurk account on February 7 or around, and stopped using it by yesterday morning. Basically, plurk is like twitter, but it makes every single update a conversation-ish mini-post, and thus, the overall view of your plurk profile seems very organised. I like it very much. But, I can't help the truth that I'm a google fan (I don’t like chrome that much though ^^; ), so when google announced their new social communication product: google buzz, I gave up plurking. I don’t like twitter, as well as facebook (the fact is that I've got my facebook for three times, and finally they all ended up with I quitting using facebook; I am not a FB-fan apparently). Although google buzz is like plurk – to make each single post conversation-ish, there is an important difference between them: on plurk, if you don’t update frequently, your karma will drop… it's annoying sometimes. Who can keep active updating if they really don’t want? In one word, google buzz for the win! (I wish Opera Community may support embedding g-buzz into our sidebar like twitter…)
I'm addicted to Kenji Kawai's music suddenly. I like his music before but never been like that mad as now. I also got his concert video in 2007. I love the ballad "Kugutsuuta – Kagerohi wa Yomi ni Matamuto" very much. Especially the concert version. The drum is EPIC!!!
At last, I suddenly liked the online mini-game "Ninja Ropes Extreme," and played it till midnight yesterday. I found it via opera widgets. You may also play it online directly. The rule is simple, but it's not easy to play. My highest record is around 96YD, but when I checked the top 5 listed in their site, someone has got around 1000… that's … kind of shock. How did they make it? I wonder. XD
In the end of February, I finally got a light weekend to enjoy. Not bad. Try to keep this light mood on in future too~
2010-Jan-30 (Sat), 15:27@GMT-7
❆ VII ~Sieben~
Recently, I’m addicted to the song “VII” by Akiko Shikata (志方あきこ). I think, Ar Tonelico III Hymmnos Concerts brought me back to Akiko after a long while without listening to her. Why “VII”? I can’t tell. I loved this song at the first time I tried it. I especially like its introduction. This is a darkish song; in the introduction, the chime and music box made a nice effect. Then, strings slid in with an intense baroque-ish style. Akiko sang in that song with a rather higher pitch, which also gave the song a very grotesque ambience (actually, it’s not such a grotesque song at all xD).
However, after times’ looping of it, I printed its lyrics and decided that this song is in my song-cover-list. I’ve tried to sing it for many times, and thus it didn’t take me too much of time to practice it before I recorded my first sample. Although there were still many parts I needed to practice more, my first sample was not that bad (yet I didn’t save the sample; I was off-key in the middle part >_< ).
Later, suddenly, that idea spurted in my mind: why not draw an image for this song? This song is so full with darkish-elements. A girl in gothic styled would fit well definitely!
Thus I started to think about it and try to draw a draft. Sincerely, I didn’t have any other thought about what it would be like. I didn’t know what kind of drawing it would be. Just, I read in its lyrics, something about mirror, okay, I’ll set up a mirror in it. Thus, it’s normal to make the character to be in front of the mirror, or maybe also to touch the mirror. A mirror would look nice if it’s in a dark room. Also, Seven Sisters of Purgatory were mentioned … (it’s a song for Umineko!!! I just realized it, and I just realized that this song should be read as “seven.” Before I read it as “V two,” orz) the whole scene would be a conversation between the character and the seven sisters. But it’s almost impossible to draw the seven sisters (lol), so I decided to put seven shining dots around her.
So far, I made up the basic things in this drawing. After it, everything was easier. Little by little, I finished the drawing of the character. Oh, yes, since the lyrics saying a girl with black hair, I chose to draw Tohne, a girl with long and black hair in my own to-be-started fiction, for this drawing (gosh, I need to find a time to start my fiction, or it won’t be started forever!).
For the background setting, firstly, I wanted to put the mirror vertically (normally), but I changed my mind since I’ve noticed this mirror image I got via google image would be look nicer if I get it floating in the air! And, about the room setting, I thought a chess-board-styled room was the best, though I DID drop watching the anime Umineko… and the seven shining dots, I tilted them to make the drawing looking more balanced.
I just don’t know if my image fits your image of the song “VII,” but… who cares?
It’s 15:44, I also finished recording the song finally. I don’t have much to say about my cover, just, I’m so glad that Akiko kept the chorus in the instrumental version, or this song is impossible to me. I also recorded the speaking Italian of the song, and Akiko’s laughing made me nervous… x_x
It’s 15:44, I also finished recording the song finally. I don’t have much to say about my cover, just, I’m so glad that Akiko kept the chorus in the instrumental version, or this song is impossible to me. I also recorded the speaking Italian of the song, and Akiko’s laughing made me nervous… x_x