音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2009-Dec-25 (Fri), 11:36@GMT-7

✾ 小さなうた

inspired by KOKIA's song "chiisana uta (a little song)"
2009-Dec-12 (Sat), 15:59@GMT-7

❅ X'mas gift

Have a pink Christmas~

2009-Dec-11 (Fri), 18:18@GMT-7

♧ Amazing? Desirous?

One of my friends, zurra, just linked me to “Ar Tonelico III Hymmnos” sample, and I almost failed to stop looping it!
Although it’s only a sample, which was like a medley of the whole album, it was very nice.
Akiko Shikata + Haruka Shimotsuki + Noriko Mitose + Yuuko Ishibashi have been a classical combination for the music world of A.T. But this time, instead of Yuuko, there are more people are new to A.T.: KOKIA, Rekka Katakiri, Yoko Ueno, Azumi Uehara, etc. (we’ll miss you, Yuuko… ;__;).
When I just heard of that KOKIA would be in A.T. III, I was very surprised. I believe most AT fans would not imagine KOKIA would be in it! Her style is variable, and some of her songs are very ethnic; A.T. is kinda ethnic too. However, no one (I guess) knew how KOKIA would perform. Yet her part, though only several seconds long, is really, really nice! No, I’d rather say, that’s AWESOME!!!
Then, I tried to figure out the other singers in the sample.
Akiko Shikata’s and KOKIA’s voices are the easiest to recognise. Their voices are that unique, according to zurra. But for others, I was not very sure…
This is what I figured out for the singers in the sample:
1. akiko
2. azumi
3. kokia (awesome)
4. noriko??? (reminds me ArT II)
5. @__@
6. haruka? (too short orz...)
7. akiko
8. ...????
9. akiko (cute :3 )
10. azumi? (not familiar with her voice)
11. yoko?
12. rekka?
13. noriko?
14. chorus???
15. kokia
After I wrote that, I was told that there are also singers like Au, Haruka Togawa, Yula Yayoi, etc…. but, who are they? ^^;
I’m afraid most of my attention has been focused on KOKIA, but I can’t withdraw my mind that the ninth part of the sample, which was sang by Akiko Shikata, was so cuuuuute!
Anyways, I can’t tell more of my feelings until I listen to them FOR REAL. I finally managed to stop looping the sample.
“that’s dangerous.” Typed zurra. XD
I can’t wait to listen to them!!! After listened to the sample, I stopped my music player, which was playing Tchaikovsky’s piano concerto, and I switched to listen to Ar Tonelico Hymmnos CDs.
P.S. the jackets of A.T. III reminded me “Jigoku Shoujo.” LOL