2012-Aug-11 (Sat), 12:29@GMT-7
❋ NatsuKomi2012
It's probably the first time I make a post specifically for Natsu-Komi--Yet there are so many new releases that I'm looking forward so I have to make one!!

Bassy+Annabel: ワールド・ワイド・ボクシステム
I couldn't hold back from the samples, thus I also got attracted. Annabel's voice is even sexier than all previous works! I bet I'll love this release, and I might love bassy more from now on? :P

MANYO+やなぎなぎ: Tachyon
Nagi's new release. This time, MANYO+Nagi. A complete different aura from this one comparing with MANYO+Annabel. Maybe like Europa, and why I think this one sounds better than the one by Key+Nagi? xDD
Currently, I loved the second track.

V.A.: 隻眼のエデン 3rd season 真実のウトナピシュテム
To be honest, I never ever tried to see the story behind this series. To me, this series is extremely bipolarized, that I only love songs that my favorite singers were involved--I don't have any prejudice, I did try to replay all songs over several times and that's my final conclusion.
Anyway, this time, the most shinning star is "TSUKUYOMI SYSTEM -nanna-". So all three "system" songs have Noriko. You such a great chanter! *_*

霜月はるか: 蝶ノ在リ処
I've mentioned it before, but for keeping this post complete, I'll get this here again.
Haruka's Butterfly series that I only care about jacket arts! xD

V.A.: カニッツァの花迷宮

V.A.: 酣歌 vol.2
No too much love for this two so far, but they're here because of Annabel. It may just be my obligation to collect all Anna-related works. :3
So, after the list of future music, time to go through released works quickly!

伊藤真澄 - ユメのなかノわたしのユメ
Flourish. The only word I would like to use here. Not looking at its jacket art, I would rather give the songs "thick orange" as the main image color. ^^;

伊藤真澄 - ユメのなかノわたしのユメ
Flourish. The only word I would like to use here. Not looking at its jacket art, I would rather give the songs "thick orange" as the main image color. ^^;
A little P.S.: I'm considering using another simple image as my blog background, similar like last two drawings I made. I'll see soon!
2012-Aug-07 (Tue), 12:35@GMT-7
☆ Natalis 6th
Yesterday was my blog's 6th birthday. :supersun:
At least I assume that's the day. :cloudy:
You can never assure the certain information if you don't have certain proof, can you? :foggy:
However, I did ever get excited for the date, which is the same as the birthday ofmy ex-lover one of my favorite composers. :windy:
At least I assume that's the day. :cloudy:
You can never assure the certain information if you don't have certain proof, can you? :foggy:
However, I did ever get excited for the date, which is the same as the birthday of
So I got this in last night,

Continued from previous work, I used the same character becauseI always am narcissistic, a lolicon, and that's what I said before.
and Congrants, I finally came up with a name for the newdaughter girl.
Nathalia--I'm not willing to make her birthday be Xmas though. She could be either ♎ or ♐ or the same as my own ♒ --nobody knows until I make my final decision (if I don't forget! XD)
Anyway, the inspiration was from eufo's "Natalis", which was also where I got the title.
I don't know any Latin (not saying those genus species names), so I simply believed what my concise dictionary says: "birthday/anniversary".
Alright, sounds a good word for my purpose: do something for this day.
The only regret could be that I WASTED about 1.5 hours last night to figure out a good background. I tried this or that kind of "real photos", and ended with simple combination of colors and preset Photoshop brushes. :sqhuh: The lesson is, while black and white being all-purpose color-mates, the best fitting background for any drawing is from a neat mix plus blurring effect--sounds like that I'm not imaginary enough.. :sqhmm:

Continued from previous work, I used the same character because
and Congrants, I finally came up with a name for the new
Nathalia--I'm not willing to make her birthday be Xmas though. She could be either ♎ or ♐ or the same as my own ♒ --nobody knows until I make my final decision (if I don't forget! XD)
Anyway, the inspiration was from eufo's "Natalis", which was also where I got the title.
I don't know any Latin (not saying those genus species names), so I simply believed what my concise dictionary says: "birthday/anniversary".
Alright, sounds a good word for my purpose: do something for this day.
The only regret could be that I WASTED about 1.5 hours last night to figure out a good background. I tried this or that kind of "real photos", and ended with simple combination of colors and preset Photoshop brushes. :sqhuh: The lesson is, while black and white being all-purpose color-mates, the best fitting background for any drawing is from a neat mix plus blurring effect--sounds like that I'm not imaginary enough.. :sqhmm:
Recently, I'm in a super funk mode. All began from a Suga Shikao super collection thread.
I can't say I'm a funk-fan, but I indeed was addicted to his music. After my most famous track, "19-sai", I tried two of his albums and didn't delete them as other average pop music. There is something special in his music.
Haruki Murakami. The thing is, the more I touched his music, the more I thought his music is kinda like Murakami's aura, especially the ambience from the lyrics. I was even proud that I clearly noticed this before knowing the truth! I'm a Murakami-fan too! ;3
I can't say I'm a funk-fan, but I indeed was addicted to his music. After my most famous track, "19-sai", I tried two of his albums and didn't delete them as other average pop music. There is something special in his music.
Haruki Murakami. The thing is, the more I touched his music, the more I thought his music is kinda like Murakami's aura, especially the ambience from the lyrics. I was even proud that I clearly noticed this before knowing the truth! I'm a Murakami-fan too! ;3
So what about recent music? There are actually some new releases, but nothing is special enough. The next good one might be Haruka Shimotsuki's final volume of her "butterfly-series".
No matter what, I love the cover art!!! :sqlove:
Yet I never paid attention to the story itself. For this series, I only love the cover arts... (つд⊂)
I know that's because there is too much of erhu in this series.....
Yet I never paid attention to the story itself. For this series, I only love the cover arts... (つд⊂)
Time to end this now. It's much cooler comparing with yesterday.
I hate summer, go away ASAP! Σ(゚Д゚)
I hate summer, go away ASAP! Σ(゚Д゚)