I believe my blog is a music-focused one.
麻枝准+やなぎなぎ -- 終わりの惑星のLove Song
↑ My new looping target!
Since January, I've been looking for this album. "Killer Song" is so great! Also, since January, I was wondering why the last song in "Killer Song" mini album sounded so familiar.
Then, I got the answer while organizing my music library.
-- The exact the same melody of riya's song "道しるべ/michishirube", which I just lost by chance. :freeze:
It's so unfair! They made so many "reprises" of their famous (?) old works, like those in "yukar", and this time's "きみのairplane". At least re-release riya's "kanakona"! :clp6:
I know I'm off too much...
Anyway, I do love the album. Just like Key + riya's "Love Song", (definitely they are similar, I knew that since I read the leading line of the special website.) each song is telling an entire love story. Delicately written in words, to give you enough about the main frame, but let you think more than what's hidden behind the limited length of each piece of lyrics.
1. 終わりの世界から / 2. ふたりだけのArk / 3. Killer Song / 4. Flower Garden / 5. 無敵のSoldier / 6. 凍る夢 / 7. Executionerの恋 / 8. とある海賊王の気まぐれ / 9. 雪の降らない星 / 10. 火吹き山の魔法使い / 11. Last Smile / 12. Heroの条件 / 13. この惑星(ホシ)のBirthday Song
Because "Killer Song" was too bright to flash everything over xD, I didn't pay much attention to track1 since the album. Now, I love it; nothing better than this song to be the leading song; especially love the introduction (it's like a slow version of "My Soul, Your Beats!" no?). Track2 has a quite great tempo, and track3, no more words here, it's too well known long before the album's official release.
Then, track4 is sweet and sad, and peaceful, whereas the lyrics of track5 gives me a strong feeling of regret, plus, if I didn't watch the music video before, I would lost in following the lyrics with singing (probably the most difficult song?). Track6 is pure narration, this kind of expression is interesting, and the "background music" is simple, but made me wanted to loop it... (plus I haven't figured out the entire story in this song... orz)
Track7 and 8 are two typical story songs, and, track8 should be my favorite "new" song, no matter from the music itself, or the story, the arrangement, everything... And section from 3:46 have the power to stop my world!!
Track9, although the context is ambiguous to me, the ambience did reach to my heart. I said track4 is sweet, so as a contract, this song is sour (no wonder that I have the power to extract tastes from music :P). Track10 is another story song, nothing special to restate. Track11 didn't impressed me so much either, it's partially due to the illustrations, and more due to my hatred of that kind of "idiots" (那貨就是個廢柴啊,英翻無解,殘念). -_-''
As a summary, we got track12. Before I read its lyrics, I noticed something, some "keywords" from previous songs. After reading the lyrics, I more assured it's a real concluding song. But why I recalled Sound Horizon's "Elysion" final track? lol Then, at the end, oh my god! It's Air! u_u
Finally, track13, you may think it's the conclusion, or a new beginning. It was supposed to be as same touching as "Love Song #1" conclusion song (I mean "そして物語が終わる"), but, at least to me, it's not that touching. Yet I love the illustration! xD
-- However, how could you make the "female" looking so young? She's having a baby! Nvm, I understand it's the sake of artistic expression, and I just can't accept that...
So, till now, Maeda Jun has collaborated with riya, Haruka Shimotsuki and yanaginagi (I'm saying only doujin singers), so next time...
Alright, after the main thing, let me introduce a few others.
霜月はるか -- 零れる砂のアリア
Haruka's new album! A story happened before her 2nd (?) Tin Dalia series album -- I didn't knew that until I caught some familiar motif during listening.
Typical Haruka's folk style, nothing special, but still worth to listen. What different was she added narrations, which reminded me Sound Horizon (ohh, the second time of mention SH in today's post! SH curse? :P).
石川智晶 -- この世界を誰にも語らせないように
Chiaki's new album! I'm so happy!
Much, much better than her ex-collaborator, who's lost in her unchangeable dull style. You know who I'm referring.
Even though I can't even memorize most songs' melodies, I love Chiaki's works so much. I can loop her works without being aware. I think the special magic in Chiaki songs are the various ways of using the "voice". She can really sing across 4-octave, can't she? xDD So in this album, the most specific song should be track2 "The Giving Tree" and 9 "夏の庭/Natsu no Niwa/ Garden in the Summer". Yes, there are accompanying instruments, but what I remember from it is only the overlapping, echoing and contiguous voice.
Voice Magic. If using some fantastic description, I would say Chiaki is the sorceress of music.
Actually, I'm really, really happy that Chiaki began to work on her own.
Then, as a kind of responsibility (?), I would like to mention two more works I got recently, and they are definitely NOT special enough to get their jackets shown here. :reg54:
Kalafina -- to the beginning
I have to admit, this single is good, but that's all. Seems Yuki is making Kalafina more like a general idol group rather than the hidden singing princesses with dark magic. I couldn't regain that kind of impression when "oblivious" was released anymore. The increased using of percussion and electric instrument unbalanced everything. If Yuki used more acoustic instruments, I bet I would love them much more and give them more positive comments.
Yuki Kajiura -- Fate Zero Anime OST
I even didn't know it was released long time ago. -_-
And, the content. Oh, damn, it's pretty KnK-like! I mean, no impressive tracks that makes me want to loop anymore. More ambience-making tracks are just lurking among the entire album. Kind of boring.
My current favorite Yuki song is Emily's "my long forgotten cloistered sleep", which belongs to Yuki's "old style". I don't want to say it, but it's so true.
- Maeda Jun is April's No.1, followed by Chiaki and Haruka. Yuki's stuff is forgotten by me, even not completely.
- Believing Key+riya's "Love Song #1" is better than Key+nagi's "Love Song#2", though I love both of them, and I'm looking for Key + Annabel.
- M3 is coming, Haruka has no new release (not surprising), but Annabel does have some! What I know now from her twitter, one song would have lyrics with emoji! Sounds exciting.
- binaria, wake up now, plz! = =#