音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2010-Jun-03 (Thu), 10:09@GMT-7

☆ 「花冷え」とか「梅雨」とか…・"Chilly Spring" or "Rainy Season"…

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
I'm experiencing the weirdest weather recently. Even though it's June already, the temperature is not warm at all. Well, how can I say the word "warm"? It was near zero a few days ago, and it even snowed. Anyways, I was already warned before I came to here, that weather in Calgary is extremely caprice. But, how can I express myself about the snow in those days when they are supposed to be called "rainy season (tsuyu)"…
Currently, every day is not like rainy season, which is what it should be like, and this is a part of my Canada life. Yet, it is way better to say the temperature is just like "chilly spring (hanabie)"… but, can you imagine a chilly spring in June?
Really amazing.
I was thinking since the last week when it started to rain a lot – so that was possible to enjoy the time of rainy season in Calgary. But when I walked in the rain, and when the wind blew toward me; "wow, it's still cold," and I was like "hmm, so it's really not possible to enjoy the so-called rainy season, sure enough."
If on it could come true, that the switching of seasons can be well experienced at everywhere in the world…
But this is just my over-willful wish, you see.
2010-May-27 (Thu), 15:11@GMT-7

♡ 桜散ル夜 - hanachiruya -

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
"yorlga" is really an amazing album. Thanks to it, I've finished my second drawing in this week. of course, I experienced another early morning at 3AM =w=
This time, I drew an image picture for the "yorlga" song: "hanachiruya", which means "a night when cherry blossom falls down" literally. But, actually, I was planning to draw something for another song, which was "yume wo kai / (buy a dream)". With the darkish ambience of "yume wo kai", I at first wanted to draw a mystical room in darkness, which was full of mirrors and cold moonlight – as well as gothic lolitas! I done drawing the girls, Serena and Kanau from my own to-be-started story, but before I started to color it, I was hesitating: I didn't know if my drawing fitted the ambience of the song well.
So I decided to change a song for it, and I chose "hanachiruya". Because all others didn't fit (could this be a reason?) – their ambience didn't, really.
During coloring, I tried a few color combinations. I'd already got the idea to use black and white, but I didn't know whom I should give black to and whom I should give white. Also the ribbon colors, I used red with white dress because I thought it looked good, yet at first I used red to match the black. – There were too much about my mind during the coloring, and I can't say all of them there. In one word, I like my current coloring result. :3
Then, the wings. I added the wings after I finished the draft. I suddenly felt like to add because of my randomness (…I think I'm not explain it at all). At least, all colors in my drawing were in good situation and looked not bad.
Thus, I was done, and the time was 3AM (again). My internal clock has been disturbed seriously, thanks to yorlga.
And my next (the last, probably) image drawing about yorlga will be "tama no fune / boat of jewel"!
2010-May-25 (Tue), 18:14@GMT-7

❋ キツネツキ - kitsunetsuki -

I should have written this point yesterday (this morning, 3:00 AM, which would be more exact).
I've talked about Noriko Mitose's new album "yorlga" a while ago, and since this album was finally released, I was very excited about the music and their world. I've been looped this album for days. I especially love the song "kitsunetsuki".
Thus, it drove me into a creating mode. At a time when I didn't really realized, I've finished the draft. I firstly put a pair of fox-ears onto the character – because the cores of this song are "fox" and "shrine maiden", the character is naturally assigned to be Tohne (I think I need to start my own writing story soon, or people would be confusing about who is this and who is that… ^^;) – I didn't include them in my final drawing. I drew a little white fox, which you may hear about from the lyrics beside her, so I thought the fox-ears don't suit the whole ambience. And the clothing. That was simply derived from miko-clothing. I modified the standard version, well, now looked bad though.
The blue fox-fire was added when I tried to merge a background picture. I adjusted the hue of the original picture, and added a gradient effect to turn it darker. "Why not to add a fox-fire? That must fit!" I thought, and what I thought was right.
When I finished all drawing plus merging works, it was almost 3AM already. I just published it onto dA, and went to sleep. I wanted to write a post then, but I was afraid if I know what I was writing in that situation.
So… that's about the drawing, I might draw more "image" pictures for this album.