音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2008-Oct-15 (Wed), 24:30@GMT+8

❀ Being Satisfied

Well, this year’s topic of Blog Action Day pertains to poverty. Unfortunately, I have not the ability to develop the idea flourish; and here I just want to talk a little of my own thinking, even if my words sound somewhat silly and meaningless… You can discard this post because even I think it's a real trivia.
In my opinion, poverty is a mind state of being unsatisfied. If I think I’m satisfied by something, I’ll not be poverty of it. Maybe many people would believe that kind of thinking would make people achieve more. However, it’s better to be satisfied, or life would sap us up. Try to image, if, people think their work is dull and thus they can’t be satisfied by working, then what to do? Stop work? Or change works? In fact, it’s not easy to live without work, to change is difficult too. Now, the truth is, if you don’t like something, you may do another as a placebo. For example, enjoy the time outside working to release the repression, take a walk, or listen to some peaceful music. Although works fail to make people happy, the others’ would.
Yeah, here, I don’t forget that what the first meaning of “poverty” is, though we, as common people, have no idea on how to improve the bad situation. I think, though one may not give a cent to help others, the one is helpful for that one is satisfied to life; at least, be satisfied to most of life. At this level, it maintains a steady world. So if you are satisfied by your life, you are harmless and have not poverty.
To me, I’m not poverty of most aspects of life. Sometimes even a “small thing” can make me joyful. Such satisfaction is very precious. No more wants, no more disappointments, and it leads me a peaceful life.
2008-Oct-15 (Wed), 4:47@GMT+8

♢ I Fumed with the Duplication

In the morning of Oct. 11, again my vagary propelled me to open Google, input “Seraphic Harmony,” the title of my suspected fiction. I used to find my own fragmental writing at the very front of search results, but this time was different — I found it: Seraphic Harmony, a fan fiction of Final Fantasy, on the site FanFiction.net, (and that’s why I also registered too). Oh, my, what the hell is it? No, no, no. where has my own writing gone?
I fumed with the perfect duplication.
However, that guy got the forestalment of the name: that guy published his/her writing with the name; although I ever referred the name, I never published it before. Yes, I know, the same titles would not be involved in right of creation; but, to condescend to use the same title (with the case of I’m the later who would be thought a follower), I disdain it.
Hell! It’s time to change the title of my fiction!
I like to name, but it’s not easy. I always admire many brilliant artists whose titles are profound, confound and marvellous, (Yuki Kajiura, Revo, Rekka Katakiri, etc…). I also know I not belong to that region. Yet I’m little decline to be a perfectionist, I want to make my works look good, (oh, who don’t want?). Ok, back to my title. The most original name I have forgot, I just know it turned to be “Seraphic Harmony.” This title cost my large vigor to make decision; however, again I’m facing to change it. Sure, I’ll not change its meaning.
I have to resist my tenet: no duplication.
But, my hell tenet, what it would be?
And, how about to write in another language? Germany, for example…
I know, I understand nothing about Germany, but I want to have a try. I just think wrote German gives me a good feeling; I mean, they look beautiful in order. I’ve had not only once to learn the language but I’ve no time… and this time, German, you’ll save me from my dilemma!
Try it. Yes, I have some tracks of the German New Age band: Merlin’s Magic. From these tracks, I learned “himmel” means “sky,” and “harmony” is wrote as “harmonie,” also “des” could be “of.” Fortunately, I have a German-English Dictionary in my PC. Thus, I found “Himmelreich” is “Heaven,” paradise or sky. Good, fays are dancing around me.
So I worked out finally: “Harmonie des Himmelreich.”
Beautiful in writing, huh?
Not bad, rays of sun are drifting toward me.
Sometimes my hell-like tenet impels my mind to be a storm, but in most times, besides that I’ve to spend times, it’s exactly harmless.
2008-Sep-21 (Sun), 8:50@GMT+8

♢ Yuki-Puzzle!

Today, I saw a post on “Canta per me” forum; an interesting little game: to select one musician/singer/band who is your favorite, then answer 10 questions with ONLY the titles of the artist you have selected.
And that’s the questions and my answer:
==>To select your favorite artist: Yuki Kajiura (definitely)!!!
1. Are you male or female? --> Cossette (Le Portrait de Petit Cossette)
2. Describe yourself. --> I am free (Xenosaga II)
3. What do people feel when they're around you? --> (We Are So) Together (Everything – Saeko Chiba)
4. How would you describe your previous relationship? --> Labyrinth (.hack//SIGN)
5. Describe your current relationship. --> secret game (noir)
6. Where would you want to be now? --> forest (el cazador)
7. How do you feel about love? --> It's only the fairy tale (My Hime)
8. What's your life like? --> ARIA (the Garden of Sinners)
9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish? --> the place of eternity (el cazador)
10. Say something wise. --> we've got to believe in something (Xenosaga III)
Very funny and happy, isn’t it?