音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2007-Sep-07 (Fri), 25:44@GMT+8

❈ 梶浦センセイ、ご質問答える!・Kajiura’s Answers

I watched FJY’s blog just now; there are a little interview in FJY’s blog on Kajiura.
first second third fourth
The twenty questions are on Kajiura’s life, her music, and so on. Maybe we can feel out something new after read the interview.
There is one question attracted me.
Q14) What are the colors you will give every song of “circus”?
A) Umm, it’s little different to answer.
Compare to one single color, for I wanted to make colorful songs, it’s really difficult to distinguish a color for every song. Sorry.
But maybe “piano” should be one blue color…
And “shining desert(光る砂漠)” should be a low-transparent white color, is it?
Haha, interesting, she said mixed colors and blue and white. It’s not so match to my idea, but surely we every one not have the same thoughts. Kajiura thought that, umm~ yes I get it!
There is regret in the blog too…
On Aug 28’s night, there was a total lunar eclipse. But I forgot completely…
Till now, there were some chances which I could see lunar eclipse; every time no matte how I decided to see it, but it always ended by my forgetting or oversleeping.
It’s really a pity that I never saw a lunar eclipse, though I have ever seen solar eclipse two times…
第一弾 第二弾 第三弾 第四弾
2007-Sep-07 (Fri), 8:56@GMT+8

✾ the easy-get generation

The poll in this week is “what’s your age”.
So I voted.
kiyoedit: MyO is dead.
Look the poll result, the most voted is 18-25, and the 26-33 too. Of course I am in the 18-25.
I am always enjoy blogging, so I advised blogging to my mother sometimes. But…
“Blogging is you the younglings’ fashion, I am not interesting to blogging.” My mother said.
Maybe she is right, but there are lots of people who older than 30 are enjoying blogging. So that though we in different age, we can talk to each, and we can understand what other ages thought.
And in case of me, I think I can not be advised easily, I even thought “blogging is impossible to me”. But at last when I started my blog, I was not surprised. Why I accept blog so easily? Every time I think about it, the answer maybe only this: I don’t know too for I started it so smoothly.
My generation is easy-get. When internet went into our life and became a part of it, only we are the fittest generation to accept the entire thing, aren’t we? It’s not bad. For the sack I found the joy from blogging, what a felicity it was!
Get something easily, it’s happy~♪
2007-Aug-30 (Thu), 13:30@GMT+8

✽ 羽ばたく・fluttering

Click the photo to view its original version.
This twilight was wonderful. Sky let me saw its wonder again.
That was today’s evening sky.
I a clouds-lover have not seen such a cloud until then. The cloud not a common evening golden cloud, its wonder, beauty and splendor could even get my heart moved. It was like a big bird was fluttering toward the deep sky. Its wings were shining in the golden sunlight; and its wings uplifted and made airflow into wind.
In the clear sky, in the cool wind, the bird raised his head, fluttered and went toward the golden sun. He looked like he wanted to fly to his far destination.
Few times after, it turned to dark. The clouds also disappeared. And in my city, dark surrounded everything. This night is fine; there is no any cloud in the sky.
The bird has gone fare away must! I thought, and grinned.
Here, lots of thanks to the sky…