音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2007-Sep-26 (Wed), 25:49@GMT+8

❆ メチャクチャ・Messing

Everything happened in a wrong way without any premonition.
No, I mean, there was such a reason, or it looked like the reason; which happened by the cooler of the train.
For the cooler worked so nice, to now two weeks passed, I found I had gotten a cold but in fact I was not. It never turned to a real cold, but also not be cured any time. And my throat has not a good condition; I have to cough sometimes when it becomes itchy.
Put my healthy away, my experiments looked in a mess too. The last time was for the poor quantity; and what up to this time that was…
My grouper made the same mark on our two different experiments. So what I saw on the table, when I back to the lab this afternoon, were the samples which I made my own marks. But they should had been put in the freezer.
“Sure enough, he said he would help me for the next step. But why were they here? Did he forget to put into the freezer?”
Finally I was confused. And he backed when I wanted to do the next step myself.
“I had done your step!” he said.
“What? Where are the samples?”
“Here.” He opened the freezer and pointed the samples which marked his signs.
“But why there are your signs?”
“Because I did it.”
“Why? I should have made the marks before you did the step for me.”
He laughed. “Oh no, no. What you marked was the step before IT!”
“Do you mean them?” I let him to look the samples on the table which I marked.
“Surely, that’s them. They are the remains after the last step.”
“Well… if these samples which you marked are what you did for me. But where are your experiment samples?”
“They’re still being water warming.”
Suddenly, I knew everything. Yes, a 3.5 hours water warming is needed in his experiment, so his samples were still warming. I just forget it.
“If you left me a message…” so said, I ended my experiment.
But, the experiment looked not to ending!
At last, I backed late once again. The reason was simple. I had to help his endless experiment, until it ended.
So I had to keep standing from this 2:00 pm to 6:20 pm. Ah, I’m so tired…
Oh, what a mess everything is!
2007-Sep-25 (Tue), 10:34@GMT+8

♧ 名月・the mid-autumn moon

Tomorrow is the mid-autumn day; you can enjoy the round moon at last! As for me, I more like the banana-type than round moon, how do you think about it? However, recently there are the continue cloud days, so I am afraid that I can not see the round moon tomorrow. It is little pity…
As the mid-autumn day comes, this autumn has passed half, though here still the summer-like hot days. But I believe the deep autumn will come soon, and then comes the beginning winter, then the mid-winter, and at that time, the new year comes. Time flashes like an arrow, sure-enough.
Now, I think I should back to my study.
2007-Sep-23 (Sun), 26:40@GMT+8

✽ Schrödinger’s mousetrap

I am not a physics lover, and I do not know any even the tiniest thing about quantum physics. However, I cost 2 days to read the whole detective story “Schrödinger’s mousetrap”, which published in Nature, 2005.
The detective story was composed by some scientists together, as a celebration for the World Year of Physics. But I regard it rather a SF than a detective story. When you read it you can catch some terms such us “negadex”, “qmail”, “parallel quantum code”, etc, in which a realm you might not learn. In other hand, there are also other terms which belong in quantum physics sound interesting: “quantum state”, “collapse”, “entangle”, and, even the title itself.
You may know “Schrödinger’s cat”, and if you can understand all the mean of it, you will find that how miracle the Schrödinger’s equation is! I could get its wonder only a little for my poor quantum physics knowledge, and everyone who like me can not pick up the entry too. But no matter at all, you can still enjoy it though you do not understand quantum physics!
<simple introduction>
The famous quantum physicist, Rufus Jaeger, was killed with a hole on his head while he was giving an experiment which named “Schrödinger’s mousetrap” to his audience, in his plenary lecture for the inauguration of the World Year of Physics.
After some detect works, the Inspector Karl Lister interviewed each suspect:
1. Tony Trotman: Jaeger’s head technician;
2. Fenton Baumgarden: a world authority in laser physics;
3. Nigel Lorimer: a senior editor at Nature;
4. Petra Pruszczyncki: a whiz-kid at the Gdansk Centre for optical computation;
5. Veronique Dubois: an up-and-coming experimentalist with experience insecure quantum-cryptographic;
6. Ludmilla Shlomoiuka: Jaeger’s postdoc;
7. Jirong Feng: Jaeger’s former student worked in Pruszvzyncki’s group;
8. Wilfred de Bruijn: a senior member of Jaeger’s group.
When all the interviews were done, Lister thought and found out the truth in “this world”; but what about another world? In which Jaeger’s mind, there were two parallel worlds maintain in the same time, that did like the “Schrödinger’s cat.” In one world Jaeger died, in another world he was living, the experiment got successful, they coworkers went for meal. Then one’s cell phone rang, told someone got…
Maybe professional writers can make it more interesting and suspense, but I still like this story.
Who was the murderer?
Everyone will concern this question during the reading – all the detective stories do. There were no more tricks in the story; and the only key was found in the interviews, which took 4/5 part of the story. Lister did a good job (though I do not know how he understood finally. -_-) the mousetrap was primed and sprung, everything was clear. In all, “Schrödinger’s mousetrap” will not despair you; that was what I believed.
At last, I want to appreciate to my college Nature database, so that I could read the original PDF files.
And I hope sometimes I can read another similar story about biology. ^_^