音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2007-Oct-12 (Fri), 9:26@GMT+8

☆ cazador del amor

I remembered one day, in Shinjitsu’s blog there was a poll about “which whole version would you want to listen in el cazador OST1?”
And my answer was “el cazador.”
September 21, 2007, the magnificent original sound track “el cazador” was released. Here I want to thank my opera-friend Shinjitsu. But for her reminding it, I would not know it even now. But why until now the news was not be updated in Kajiura’s official website? Speak on it, the updating looks very belated from this year…
Well, forget it. This OST, as usual, fully glares Kajiura-style in each track. Also the song “I reach for the sun”, sang by Emily, is wonderful as the last song “forest.” Anyway, in all the tracks I love “cazador del amor” best! When I assured the Japanese version of “el cazador” would be concluded in this OST, ah~ my heart was surged by thousands of waves.
I listened to track 4 as soon as I got this OST, for tr.4 is “cazador del amor.” From the well-known prelude, and the intense voice of YUUKA, I heard another arrangement and the lovely Japanese lyric. Its original lyric was written in creating-language, and there is too much difference between it and Japanese. I mean if the song is fit for creating-language, it might not so match to Japanese. At least, I never thought about its Japanese version before. However, the Japanese version did a big success, oh, that was what a real Goodness did! To the song itself, I am afraid I could only use the 3-syllable-word to subscribe my feeling: wonderful! Sure enough, it is such a wonderful song which can make your heart ignited even if only once listing.
About the lasted big bang by Goodness, who can reject to enjoy it?
まだ覚えています、あの日、Shinjitsuのブログにそんなアンケートがあった:「el cazador OST1」によると、どの歌に一番気になりますか?
そして私の答えは、「el cazador」でした。
平成19年長月21日、華麗な「el cazador OST2」正式に発売しました。ここでちょっとShinjitsuに感謝したいです!あなたのお陰で、私はそれを知りました。だって、今さえ、梶浦さんの公式サイトにそのことを掲載していません。どうかしたの?なんか今年から、公式サイトの更新がのろのろと遅いらしいです…
まあ、とりあえず、このOSTがやはり相変わらず梶浦スタイル満点です!Emilyさんのその「I reach for the sun」は前作「forest」と同じく、とても素晴らしいです。しかし、一番私を驚かせたのは「cazador del amor」と名のいう歌です。日本語化になりましたのか?本当、本当でしたなのよ!それを確かめたとき、心が千の波が押しえたような気がしました。
そして、OSTを手に取るや否や、たちまち第4トラック「cazador del amor」をプレーしました。前奏は懐かしくて、YUUKAの歌声も激しくて、編曲や歌詞のほうも少し改編されました。原歌詞は自造語なので、日本語の発音と比べて大して差別があります。つまり、旋律のほうに自造語が似合っても、日本語に変えては必ずしも同じく似合わないということがあります。せめて初めて自造語の「el cazador」を聞いた私は、日本語で歌うことなんてぜんぜん考えられません。でも今度の日本語化はとても成功でした、さすが女神様の作品なの!それで、歌自身について短く言えば、「凄い」と三音節の二文字にしか、ほかの何も言えなくなりました。確かに、これは一度聞いただけでも、心が燃え上がるほど「凄い」歌です。
2007-Oct-07 (Sun), 9:44@GMT+8

✾ その日ひぐらしがないた・one day when cicadas cried

Even I, one not have an ear on any news, heard that news in the day before yesterday:
“September 19, 2007, Kyoto: A 16-year-old girl killed her father by an ax. Since she was a little girl she hated her father on his some actions. When she in the rudimentary school, she wanted to kill him. But she was waiting the day she has enough power to kill him. Finally one day when she has been to 17, she bought an ax. She did not go to bed that night and waited until 4 am. She went to his father’s room; cut her father some times used the ax. And after she assured his death, she awaked her mother and told her: ‘I cut my father.’ In another hand, although she thought ‘if only father disappeared from the world,’ she got some guilt to her parents.”
So that I got an email yesterday from the animation “Higurashi no Naku Koroni (ひぐらしのなく頃に)”s subscribed news:
“About ‘Higurashi no Naku Koroni’s on air break: because of the father-killing case, this animation was seen to have negative affection on it. (omission) we staff are negotiating with the TV stations for continue broadcasting. (omission) it is really a regret. (omission) we will notify you soon after the final decision. If you can wait for it, we will have the best blessedness. (omission)”
I had to really believe the news until I received this email, though I have had heard some rumors some days before.
Now I thought a lot about it; I think both the two cases are downright wrong: the case of father-killing, and the on-air break of the so-called negative animation. Maybe it is only my immature thinking, but it is my real think. Surely, I like this animation, and I want to watch till its ending. There is no any negative affection. Do you think only an animation can give someone so big affection? At least I do not think so.
And that is also one of my questions:
“Is there any animation can make one to kill another?”
To the end, what can effect us, is we ourselves, the circumstance, and the self-suggestion which made by the former two. Of course, animations are a kind of circumstance. We can laugh, cry, sing, and even imitate animations. But, animation is also made by people; it is a kind of illusion, a fiction. If only you are not an animation staffer, that animations are a tiny part of our lives. Our consciousness do is most important to the part on our action. However, can our consciousness be changed so simply? I am afraid I could call them whose answer was “yes,” with “the driftings.”
It is a fact that in animation “Higurashi no Naku Koroni,” there are some extreme senses. But to the most, it is not a bad animation. And in case of me, beside its entertainment, I also got something else: do not to obey the destiny, one has to live in self-style, and I believe one can change one’s destiny by the tiny actions. We can not consider anything with extreme senses to bad thing. In the world, everything has its two-side-nature.
Now back to that case. Her mother ever thought the girl’s protests were only her adolescent behaviors. The mother never knew her daughter would do such thing. At last, protest became tragedy. Who was wrong on earth?
The thinking in 16 or in adolescence is easy to change. I can get very well for I had walked out from it. In that time, I always too conceit, impertinent. I thought I was a queen in the world. And I also got some affection from animations. Although I have forget how much and what the affections were, there was one I can remember: to me myself, animations were only the incarnations which reflected my aspirations. From then, I knew more and more though I can not explanted clearly. Finally I got my target, and step toward my destination. I wonder whether everyone can go straight to the destination if only one knew what was really expected.
That is surely regretted on the girl. Her dream is become a cartoonist. However, she can be saved, I think. Her way is still long, and I hope she will not lose after it.
That is surely regretted on the breaking of “Higurashi no Naku Koroni.” But lots of staffers did their best for it, and lots of fans want to watch it. We can watch it someday; I and all the fans believe so.
Wish the world can go on peacefully.
2007-Oct-04 (Thu), 5:31@GMT+8

✽ Poca felicità

Some days ago, the lighting which flashed through the night was so frightened. And before that day there were always cloudy. And the clouds were lowering in the day before yesterday; and yesterday, there was a day-long rain. Now, today, it was drizzling from the very morning. A kind of sweet moisture sank in the air. There was no any wind. The temperature was comfortable, which could not be seen as cold.
Here, the prelude ended.
In the rainy days, there is nothing better than listing to the “rainy” music.
Recently, I paid more affection on Sound Horizon (SH,) the band which a friend of mine ever introduced to me (and especially I like “Elysion”!)
And as a un-SH-work, I knew this album: the image album of television animation “Gunslinger Girl.”
This animation is little sad, and has a strong Italy-style! Every picture is soft, the story is also good. I knew that I liked its classical-like music, which composed by Toshihiko Sahashi, when I saw it (from this one: “TEMA I”.) Certainly, the OST is also an Italy-style album.
Now, let’s back to my talking album.
“Poca felicità” means “little happiness.” It’s also the pith of the animation. Every song in the album has its own listen-value; they display the animation in another fashion. Also, each girl has her own theme song, which sang by their casts, express the girls’ emotions and thoughts.
In the aspect of melody, there are happy phrases, and also sad phrases. Although the album has not so much Italy-style in it, the Italia monologs in each end of songs compensated it. It’s so little I heard any cast speak Italian, so I think each monolog listened lovely. One more, its melodies are like SH very much. I can find out so much musical elements which resemble to their other albums, like “Thanatos” or “Elysion.” If the singers are also SH’s, the album maybe more like a SH-album, I think.
However, the album is fit for rainy days, especially drizzle days. Say about it, it is so fit for recent days. So that I past those lowering rainy days without any trouble.
Poca felicità, it’s also the constant little happiness in my rainy days.
ஐ〰ฺ・:*:・✿ฺ ஐ〰・:*:・・:*:・✿ฺ ஐ〰・:*:・・:*:・✿ฺ ஐ〰・:*:・
最近、ある友人が紹介したため、Sound Horizon(以下SH)に気になった(特に「Elysion」が大好き!)
テレビアニメ「Gunslinger Girl」のイメージアルバム。
それは一つのちょっぴり悲しくて、イタリア風がいっぱいのアニメだった。色は優しいし、物語はすごい。そして私はそれを見たとたんに、すぐ佐橋俊彦さんの素晴らしくてクラシックらしいBGMがとてもとても好きになった(これは「TEMA I」から始まったことだった。)もちろんOST曲にもイタリア風満点だよ!
「Poca felicità」は「小さな幸せ」とも翻訳できる。これもそのアニメのテーマ。アルバム毎曲にも聞く値段がある、原作の世界観をもう一度聞き者に示された。それぞれの女の子にも彼女たちの声優に歌われた自分のテーマ曲があって、それも女の子自身の感情や気持ちがこめたすごい歌。
Poca felicità、それも私の雨の日々に降り注ぐ小さな幸せ。