音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2011-Aug-31 (Wed), 18:32@GMT-7

❈ Summer's Frozen Trivia

I'm feeling it's winter, yet it's AUGUST!!!
Oh, gosh, but today is only 8 degrees! Raining all the day. :downfall: So COOOOLD! :chill:
I won't mind cold weather if I don't need to go out though. :sit:
About recent?
Maybe you've noticed, now my blog is all in my new favorite font: Meiryo. The entire page looks much cleaner and neater, no? xD
Other pages, including "drawings" and "photos", have been modified. Plus a few template modifications. Kind of like another blog maintenance, right? :constru3:
Before, I had individual blog posts for them to collect links. But now, to reduce useless blog posts, I just inserted the external links to where they should be, like deviantART and picasa pages. To reduce posting the same thing at different places is also to reduce my work on maintenance, 'cos now what I need to manage is only the links! Much better than before, really, though I more like the previous way to put everything under my blog... but I know, I'm using a blog service, not a real website host -- that's not a good idea to use a blog like a website -- yet I realised it just now! lol
I also want to change my blog template again (background image only), but it will get myself into another re-adjusting of page colors. So troublesome... I'll leave it in future, sometime... -___-
That's about blog. In last week, I was super excited by Akiko and KOKIA's new songs -- why these two are always showing up together? ε- (´ー`*)フッ -- "空蝉 (Utsusemi)" and "嘆きの音 (Nageki no Oto)". So, like usual, I got something from scrap. Counting the time being distracted, I worked on this image from 2PM to 7PM. lol
The fact is, I still have two drafts done earlier than this one... -_-||
But, it got proven that KOKIA and Akiko RULE! :yes:
inspired by 志方あきこ (Akiko Shikata)'s「空蝉 (utsusemi)」and KOKIA's『嘆きの音 (Nageki no Oto)』.
Actually, in the very beginning, I was just going to draw for "utsusemi", and that WAS what you see here. However, in the second day, I got KOKIA's newest song, and, I realised how similar the two songs are. Not of melody, but of only ambience. So, while looking for a background image, I didn't choose a summer-ish pic, instead, I got this one, snow and maple leaves.
btw, I can feel lots of (?!) shoujo-ai elements in the songs, especially "utsusemi" (sorry, Akiko! =w= ), and ... I got the title of this image in the very end, kind of taken from the lyrics.
p.s. original psd file containing only characters is 21.9MB xD
p.p.s this is the only one I've done so far that has the same design, ratio for either "featured version" and wall paper version. so, I'm not posting another link to the wp here.
Okay... time for DragonNest again!
They are finally releasing the new class "Academic"! I'm waiting for that!! She is so MOE~~~<3
I think, just for "MOE" I'll play one! Maybe two, since there are two subclasses, one is physical and the other one is magic. Yet currently, only the physical one was released. However, I do love those skills, and I do want to try the other subclass with magic attack. So, probably two... well, if I have time, of course. ^^;
In brief, Loli FTW~ :burn:
I should have more to write here, but can't remember what they are (*bricked*).
So, here, I'll use an awesome video to end today's -- August's last -- post.
It's just awesome. :bow:
2011-Aug-21 (Sun), 17:46@GMT-7

✽ Impure Smalt

I was doing some recording yesterday afternoon.
Originally, I was working on "Brave Song". I've been working on this song for almost a month, but it's just didn't work well. Does my voice range not fit the song? I don't know, but before I get a final version, I'll still keep doing this. -_-
So, when I got tired, I wanted to try some other songs.
Then, I saw the file, binaria's "花紺青".
Right, this one!
I've said before, I have a complex about this song. First, I couldn't draw a good image for it, because it's so formless; second, I couldn't sing it, its duet and chorus are... also formless so it was so hard to catch the back melody.
So my first trying of this song is a big fail. lol
Yet it was so fun. I really like to do multi-track recording, and enjoy the effect when I listen to them together. I do love trying the back melody (if I can get the melody), to me, back melodies are even more beautiful than the main melody.
However, I know the first try was crappy. I need to re-do it sometime, maybe this weekend.
Things I need to refine:
- a better timing for the main melody (Annabel's part)
- a more synchronized back voice, also make it more stable
- for duet part, need to control my voice to gain a similar volume for two parts (Nagi's first part, then Annabel's second part)
Hope I can get a better version and replace this crappy first try (that's why I disabled everything for it, since I will hide it soon or later!)
2011-Aug-21 (Sun), 11:44@GMT-7

✽ Japanized, Englishied~

Alright, the newest thing I want to mention in this post, is...
I got my DragonNest Japanized!!!
It was begun from that I found how to parse game resource files. To unpack them, then you can read everything, like webpage's source, then you can just DIY as much as you want.
Yet it's not that easy in case of Japanese Interface. That was not a long story but I don't want to mention too much. Have been tired from last night's debugging. xD Briefly, some lines in the JP uistring.xml didn't work, and after detecting region by region, I found the problem lines.
By not replacing only that region, all others worked just superb. Here is how my game now looks like (all my gears' endurance decreased to zero, with only 700 Magic Attack, and 8000+ CT, I finished the bosses with only two hits: the lv40 + the lv50, you know what they are!! :P)
I'm so satisfied now! xD
So, here, I attach all commonly used tools here, just as a backup.
DIY is so fun!!
(I need to learn some perl...)
☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*☪ฺ
The second thing, though I should have mentioned a few days ago...
In last week, from this year's NatsuKomi, I got this album.
"深夜の怪談ラジオ (shinya kaidan no radio)"
That's ghost stories!
Like what Annabel said in the interview, I also love ghost stories, even being scared, I will insist to finish reading them.
This album, the first time I didn't realise how "creepy" its OP song is (lol). Why? If you read the lyrics... I think I should spoiler here (the last phrase *cough*), do it yourself!!
and its ED song is so good. I love Annabel's voice, and the melody. :3
So, to give people who don't understand Japanese, I wrote its basic story plots and posted them here:
and I'm NOT responsible for any misunderstanding, typo, detailed description, etc. also, the interview (tr. 7) wasn't translated, since I'm lazy. m(_ _)m
Ohhh, almost forgot to say. I got its booklet 5 days after the first try of the album. Yet, I did get a drawing in draft, which is "a bit" like its own back-cover... coincidence? not bad though. xD
I may draw it soon, don't know when though. ^^;
I feel like that I have something others to write here, but I lost my mind, so, I'll leave them in future posts. =3=