2009-Jul-03 (Fri), 6:11@GMT+8
❈ 何もかもが星になって
Based on KOKIA's song under the same title: everything turns into a star.
changing the aspect is just hard.

changing the aspect is just hard.

2009-Jul-01 (Wed), 9:14@GMT+8
☆ listen to the love ~aigakikoeru~
Only chains of notes can't be called as music; heartless skill can't express the real emotion. Music is the nectar from your deep heart, it can heal the hurt and pain, it's an angel who passes the message of love, it's the gift from the heaven.
It was the first time I watched KOKIA's concert DVD, the 2007 Paris one. After watching it, I started to loop her “Cyouwa oto” time after time.
During the looping, I cried a bit.
During the looping, I cried a bit.
I couldn't tell why, I was not that sad, yet I was not that happy. That live had that effect to drive me into tears. The songs were so beautiful, her voice was so perfect, the lyrics were so touching, and the ambience was so warm and enthusiastic. I wish I were there, in the crowd, listening, enjoying, clapping, and yelling for her.
I've ever heard that she sings better in live than recording. Now finally, I knew that's true. Her voice was far more transparent than any of her recordings; though I've known that her singing range is wide, still I got amazed, from the first to the last song. The whole sound effect was amazing too. One song after another, she sang there, with smile and felicity. That live was very successful, each song was showed perfectly. Plus her own comment on some songs, I could get a better understanding on her and her music.
She is that an awesome singer! She sang both extreme high and low pitches. Her voice is sometimes strong and sometimes gentle, mixed coldness and warmth in different levels. I got most amazed by the song “Pink elephant.” She started to make sounds from very a low pitch that was pretty different from her normal singing/speaking voice, and I even thought there was a male sang... then, the tune went higher and higher. Not only for the widely expended tune she made, I got amazed by her could sing for such a long span, which would be more wonderful than the song “Ave Maria” from the album “The VOICE”! Goddess! She can also be an opera vocalist! Although the introduction was only made by different tones, I can tell that this part was a real epic performance!
I can't miss another song here too: “Cyouwa oto.” That's the first song when I knew KOKIA. KOKIA created her own music world, her own music language, and her special ethnic and remarkable melody. My heart flied to KOKIA since this song. For me, it's hard to stop looping it whenever I start to listen to it. You would get the picture if you heard the surging yelling from the audience. Masterpiece. I have no other word to describe it but it.
A new song, “les couleurs de Paris” was a special one too. KOKIA composed it based on her impression of Paris. In the DVD, the melody played by a music box firstly reminded me some traditional Paris tunes. I can't understand what she sang except one phrase, “les couleurs de Paris,” the colour of Paris. KOKIA, ah, KOKIA, I can apply the word “genius” on you now!
The other songs were all very nice. They were from the album “aigakikoeru” that KOKIA released in 2006 November in Paris. “aigakikoeru,” that means “listen to the love” in Japanese. What a warm words, and what a warm album. Frankly, I didn't pay more attention on the album at the first listening, but until I watched her live, listened these songs, I couldn't suppress my emotion. I felt happy mixed with a bit of sadness. Maybe I felt more sadness than happiness. I couldn't tell exactly. Maybe what I felt was neither sadness nor happiness, but only the pure feeling of love.
At that moment, I heard the love.
KOKIA said a lot in her “Interview at Paris.” She loves music; she wants to share her feelings with people via music; be gentle, kind, and warm with others; holding the best smile and the most beautiful voice to sing for more people. She wrote her songs with these thoughts in, and thus she got her own “temperature” of music; she has merged her silent love into the music.
Music can send messages from hearts. Even though people die one day, the music would hold the message and pass it down forever. Music can overcome the barrier of country, language and culture. “Music is an excellent gift from the god; music can hold everything together.” Suddenly, I realised that I can find the message from her songs.
Listen to KOKIA, I feel the love and warmth. Loving music is such a blissful thing, and gets me into tears of joy.