音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2009-Jun-27 (Sat), 3:36@GMT+8

✿ at the witching hour

first challange of complicated arrangement. I'm just hopeless at drawing sekushi characters. XD

2009-Jun-26 (Fri), 9:32@GMT+8

✿ the art that I can feel

It would have been the 15th times when I played the album “Die Kunst der Fuge,” in this afternoon.
I liked J.S. Bach when I was in elementary school; I still like him now. He's my god in field of music. No one can deny that his giant contribution in western music. At the time when I got his complete works, I didn't choose to enjoy his other works but only this one. As a result, I fell in love with it.
I need not to say more on the work itself; go to the web, you'll get enough. Maybe the combination of notes, the counterpoint, makes baroque music special enough for me. Fugues in this work were composed only based on a short piece of melody, a point that makes me mad.
“The governing idea of the work, is an exploration in depth of the contrapuntal possibilities inherent in a single musical subject.”
That's true. Though I didn't learn to play any instruments, I can't analysis fugues like an expert and I even can't understand what shows on wikipedia; I can only use my poor glossary of music to tell little on this work that they are in minor scale and based on a same motif; anyway, I still love the fugues, love enjoying them time after time in my darkish room in a sunny afternoon. I have no idea of why; I just like baroque fugues that much. They're kind of holy tones from the heaven. Music from harpsichord sounds so clear and grave. I can feel the power of healing inherited in.
No any other composers are as awesome as J.S. Bach; his “Die Kunst der Fuge” should be on his top list definitely.
2009-Jun-23 (Tue), 6:54@GMT+8

✿ 宇宙のまほろば

inspired by Eiko Shimamiya's song, "Sora no Mahoroba".
