音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2009-Apr-25 (Sat), 6:07@GMT+8

✯ Dilemma, dilemma...

Before I knew I'm accepted, I was nervous on it, but after I knew, I'm still nervous on it...
In this March, I thought I might be accepted in UofC, I was happy, since then I didn't think I could be accepted in other better schools.
But a few days ago, I received another offer, from NYU.
Later I got into a huge dilemma.
Both are good schools for me, yet both have their own strong/weak points to me. I have contacted with a professor whose research field is my favorite in UofC since this February, and he's also a professor with high quality. His education history, his published papers, etc... He seems a good future tutor for me.
In case of NYU, when I applied for it, I just thought that “Ah, I love NY, thus I must apply a school in NY!” Originally, I thought I couldn't be accepted because of my not-so-good exams. But now... I later also re-read their research fields, I have a few favorites yet they're not as interesting as the UofC one. I know, NYU is a very, very good university, also the location of the school. Ummm, die Universität ist sehr gut und die Stadt ist auch sehr gut......
I don't know where I should go now. For I want to do the CA research, but I want to be embarked in NYU. Uguuuu~~~~ I really have no idea on the issue... I WANT THE CA PROFESSOR MAY TRANSFER HIMSELF INTO NYU NOW!
After all, to follow my own interest is more important, though I love some good schools and cities else, right?
I'm still in the dilemma of choosing one, I want to split myself into two.........
I'd rather there's ONLY ONE school accepted me......
2009-Apr-20 (Mon), 25:12@GMT+8

❅ CSS fighting

That wasn't the first time I change my template with CSS, but this was the most difficult time.
I didn't have any CSS knowledge when I just registered on MYO; then when I tried to get a custom template, I became faint since I didn't know what's CSS at all. Anyways, I found some blogs teach people on MYO CSS, I learned some basic issues; in November 2007, I costumed my first template: with a different top image only!
Later, since I knew where MYO original CSS file were put, changing CSS became easier. I just needed to find the codes I wanted to fix, and then replace with my own codes. Though some stuff I couldn't find out directly, I still learned much after many times of trying.
The most epic template (so far I think) I made was in yesterday. Recently I just finished a transparent template for my fiction, then I suddenly wanted to change the template for my own blog too. Since it was so difficult to choose ONLY ONE background, I got suggested from some friends using *.php files.
Firstly I thought the random background was the most difficult part, but it didn't because others helped me writing the php file. I soon finished almost all parts and just when I satisfied with it, I found some default backgrounds didn't match with my style. I've got to turn on fix them: album backgrounds, visitor backgrounds, etc... yet that's the real most difficult part...
After another 3~4 hours of fighting, at about 4:00 AM, I ended up all changing, and got complete satisfied eventually. I talked to some online friends during the fixing, and also got stalked...
However, the fighting ended.
Here I thank: Shin (for your CSS/php support), tsubasa (for your php/domain upload), Heiko (for your transparent background image and some CSS codes), and Hiroyuki (for your post border line/album related stuff code)!!
By the way, I bought a string of obsidian beads yesterday night, before I started to fix the album CSS.
2009-Apr-17 (Fri), 3:39@GMT+8

❋ PC-less days

I don't know how I survived in these PC-less days. That wasn't a real long time, only 4 days. But, that was very boring. I felt my fingers have been duller and duller when I came back to the keyboard...
It was lucky that I still have music with me: a music player. I have copied all my music into it. But it does everything in a slow pace (I can't complain for that, since that stupid machine isn't mine, but my mother's). I've got to wait for 2 seconds to skip one track or other actions else; this fullish brick even can't display the artist info! Yet it's large enough to load my stuff, I have no choice but that.
Problems showed up afterwards. I miss my e-dictionary, I mean, Lingoes. I don't know how longer I've to take to look up one word with regular paper-made dictionaries than the case of e-dictionaries. Also, new words emerge fast, there are so many words I can't find in my granny's old yellow dictionaries (especially some bio-terms; I was so happy that I could still guess them from their word stems *faint)! Another problem was writing. I can write on a piece of paper, but I can't photograph this paper and upload it as my blog, can I?
I read up the book “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte. The reading was interesting and very fast (-er than my common reading speed). I found that I've fall in love this book. After the reading, I listened to the song whose name is “Arashi ga oka (Wuthering Heights)” by ALI PROJECT for several times. I was on top exciting then!
In other leisure times, I did some drawing, and read a German learning book I just bought (this book is far more better than the previous one, at least it didn't get me lost in the self-study -__-; ). I also found that the (current) best way to remember some new words is to read it for so many times. That's rather more efficient than just repeat writing the word. But, I don't know if my music helped me on the remembering. That song was “Kazoe Uta (かぞえうた~地獄鞠歌~)” by Noriko Mitose, a silent yet kinda horrible song, you see.
Anyways, I came back to my keyboard. Ah, life goes on, and it's so cherished!