音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2009-Mar-10 (Tue), 24:49@GMT+8

♢ FJ mini – liner notes

The idea of drawing FJ girls/goddess was derived from making a fanbook for Yuki Kajiura, on the forum.canta-per-me.net.
At the very beginning, I wanted to draw the 6 girls whose names have been combined into FictionJunction: YURIKO, YUUKA, ASUKA, KAORI, KEIKO, WAKANA, plus Yuki-sama. But… I’ve only seen few Asuka’s photos! I had got to move ASUKA out of my list T__T…
And then, I started to draw. That’s fun, yet a little nervous. Does everyone know whom I’m drawing if I don’t tell?
Eventually, I finished.
I admit that my fondness for Yuriko is one reason of why I drew her first. She’s so important because of her chorus. Imagine without her chorus what kind of the music may be (even though that will still be wonderful ^ ^; ). She has the right to be drawn first. On clothing, really, I’ve no idea, but I love the black dress (and the hat) on the Live, so…
I can never forget the teary “Akatsuki no Kuruma,” I can listen to “nostalgia,” “piano,” etc. repeatedly for hundreds of times. They have released two albums so far, and I especially love “circus,” so my “mini” YUUKA is in the “circus-dress.” Although YUUKA’s hair has been longer than the “circus”-time, I thought shorter version might be better.
She impressed me so much on the July Live. She is tall, energetic; her voice is beautiful and strong. After seeing one of her photo on her blog, I knew how to depict her. I tried to get her taller than others in my drawing, but, maybe I shouldn’t have done like that… -__-;; By the way, is my performance of her Live-dress right?
In Kalafina’s songs, her voice is always covered by WAKANA… -__-||. But she’s very cute, and I like her low voice; I like to find her part while listening to Kalafina. I used the dress from “sprinter/ARIA,” one of my favorite dresses. But why, I always think there’s a bit of strange of her eyes? … if you know, tell me (yet I’ll never fix my drawing…).
I even ignored her in “Hokuto no Ken”! But after the first release of Kalafina, I started to pay attention on her. Her soprano voice is excellent, or “goddess like” (from Kajiura’s comment). I also borrowed the dress on the July live; instead of a hair decoration, I put a shark on her head. I know you must know the reason.
She’s the real goddess! Originally, I wanted to draw her playing the piano, but since there has been one version already, I gave it up. I took a long time to considerate how to depict her. Suddenly, I thought up her self-made language. Everything became clear then. Look at, you’ll find the texts on book she’s holding are “Kajiura-go Jisho (Kajiuran Dictionary).”
2009-Mar-09 (Mon), 7:10@GMT+8

✾ Seventh Heaven

This was Yuki Kajiura-sama’s, as well as my one-sentence impression of “Seventh Heaven.”
A kind of like “Kara no Kyoukai / Garden of Sinner,” yet with some exotic elements, ahh, I know, that’s tropical style. Among palm trees, the wind is sweet and soft, the swaying sea is singing, the red setting sun is moving down, memories are emerging… ahh, everything is covered with dark gold…
Seventh Heaven.
I’m in felicity, no? Since I can listen to such music…
Raise my soul upward the seventh heaven! Gloria…
I appreciate for your high-quality album, thank you for your working!
—to Kajiura-sama, singers from Kalafina, and all staff, who have even yelled “come here and collect our ashes!”
以上、梶浦由記様、およびこの私の「Seventh Heaven」への一言感想でございました。
Seventh Heaven。
The familiar main melody from “Kara no Kyoukai / Garden of Sinner.”
Silently, softly, here one new phrase of Kajiura’s epic begins.
Loving the repeated soaring background chorus! Loving the melody and rhythm! Loving the sound effects! My Kara-theme-song top 1!!
The first song by Kalafina, the first song of “Kara no Kyoukai.”
Loving WAKANA’s goddess-like tone, loving KEIKO’s harmonization.
03.love come down
KEIKO shows up! KEIKO will not only be a chorus singer! This is a fast tempo song, a bit loud, with a lot of exotic elements, make me exciting!
KEIKO’s tone is like a glossing black pearl, and HIKARU’s is like an opal, and WAKANA’s is like amber; such tones mix out a shining melody!
But, the last phrase is too short to satisfy me!
04.夏の林檎 / apple in summer
Exotic, exotic, still exotic! I love the flute, the drums, the guitar, the tempo, the arrangement, the melody, everything!
The melody sounds pleasant, a bit sad and nostalgic. Umm, that’s typical Kajiura’s style! And, it's my non-Kara-theme-song No. 2.
Maybe this song is the origin of the previous imagination of palm trees, etc…
This is really a sad song, no matter from the melody or the lyrics; just like that in the PV: the silent forest, the obsolete building, the past memory, and the heart-tearing “sayonara (farewell)…” all make me can’t stop becoming depressing.
This is my Kara-theme-song No. 2! I’ve ever listened to this song repeatedly for not less than 40 times!
The best part for me in the song may be the chorus. Slowly, HIKARU sings out the first tone. Emotions are like airy stars, you can see them, but your hands can’t reach for them. A piece of sorrowful ARIA.
07.また風が強くなった / again the wind turn to stronger
The cello makes out ominous phrases, the drums are strong all the time, the whole song is heavy, dark, strong, heart-beating, etc. I can’t find other word but that like them to describe this song. Here, we can catch KEIKO’s melody, which we can’t do in case of other songs clear; thus it may be one reason of why I love it, yet it’s a little noisy.
08.傷跡 / scar
After fairytale’s release, this song became my Kara-theme-song No. 3. The first impression of the song is the catchy melody. I also love the lyrics. Here, by the way, I have to mention that all KnK’s lyrics are very fit the original work! WAKANA × KEIKO! Loving the original two-member Kalafina!
I’m afraid I’ve been poisoned by this song. Here I declare: this is my non-Kara-theme-song top 1! I really love everything of the song, especially the exotic elements, the “unknown” plucking instrument, and the drum tempo. (However, firstly I saw the title “serenato,” I thought it should be an Italian opera-like song [laugh])
10.音楽 / music
Ha! Another fast tempo but worth-to-be-cherished song! Finally I thought, maybe KEIKO’s low tone is very good for such fast tempo songs, no? the chorus reminded me Kajiura’s chorus in “synchronicity” (laugh). For this song, the title, “music,” is not bad. Many different elements of music have been merged into the song, and the beating rhythm, I’ll never mind the even-a-bit-loud arrangement!
11.明日の景色 / tomorrow’s scenery
I confess, the very first impression when I heard the first phrase of the song was… ALI PROJECT?! OMG! How came? …… ok, in fact, this song is my non-Kara-theme-song No. 2 (yeah, I have double No. 2 songs). Still, WAKANA is the heroine here. And the later drums reminded me another track by Kajiura-sama, “M18” from KnK OST 5. The imagined scenery of it is “in the land of sea, under the moon.” And, when the flute slides out, it’s just like I see the rising sun. (Here I can hear Yuriko’s chorus very clear!)
Another addictive song……
The first a few times when I listened to it, I didn’t pay more attentions on it. But later, I came to love it. The four singers’ quartet is very wonderful! One phrase falls, another rises; one melody ends, follows another. Drums here are even faster; loving the sprinting feeling in the song. I also love the singers’ performance in the PV!
13.君が光に変えて行く / you turn it to light
The melody is slow and kind of vast. I have no idea why I can’t very like this song (maybe because it’s too slow and peaceful), but some phrases are rather emotional and beautiful.
14.seventh heaven
The final song of “Kara no Kyoukai,” also the final song of the album. Introduced by the main melody, many previous fragments of lyrics and melody recapitulate here. The song is peaceful and gentle, sad yet pleasant. After the dark, here comes another bright dawn.
Its arrangement is in another typical Kajiura’s performance: with soft drums, strings and chorus overlap and stretch every phrase. I very love the last perfect and beautiful chord!
And then, the new music epic ends.
2009-Feb-19 (Thu), 6:27@GMT+8

♡ I’m DEAD…

For following reasons, I’m dead…
Mozart’s opera “DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE (The Magic Flute),” with conductor Karajan and Berliner Philharmonic, released in 1980. Not a bad version. Though I don’t know much on the art of conducting, I do love Karajan.
I’m learning German. There’re too many words need to be remembered. At the same time, I’ve got to fight on my poor English vocabulary. I’ve ever heard about a man forced his son to remember the novel “Faust,” even by rote. When the boy finished the rote, he had been fluent in German. Maybe it may help. So I found the libretto of “DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE,” and spent some hours to edit the text to be parallel the English translation. But, is it really helpful? I don’t like to learn by rote……
My glasses start to slide down……!!! It’s larger than my face!!! But it didn’t when I just bought it…! And now, I don’t want to get a new pair… since I only use it during watching to the computer screen, or waiting for the bus, I think I may still be lazy longer on getting a new pair.
GENES IX. OMG, my poor reading speed. If I spend 3 hours each day to read 15-20 pages, the time when I finish the book will be 2 months later…
I’m doing some translating of my goddess, Yuki Kajiura’s blog. I know to translate is a good way to improve the language skill. Fortunately, others understand my translation, though sometimes, I may miss some prepositions.
However, bigger mistakes occasionally happen:
How could I use wrong between these words “painter” and “painting”?
I failed to identify an online friend’s gender, until she showed her real name……
Also on that online forum, I’ve told one of my top secrets (that’s about my platonic love affair) to a guy who is 4 years younger than me, at the chat-room, on Valentine day…
The latest episode of my fiction has been worked for almost 2 months! It’s the episode that cost me the longest time… yet I’m still working on it, (I just don’t want to work on it…). What’s wrong? Maybe I’d better to re-write the fiction from the very beginning… then, I’ll decrease the proportion of yuri-like content… but I’m afraid I’ll never decrease them… since I’d glad to see so much yuri-like events in my fiction…… -___-|||
I bathed with a male tonight……! No, I didn’t invite him!! He came in on his own!!! I’m wondering why each time when I bathe, he comes. He should be in his intermittent hibernation! Oh, yeah, spring is coming… er, I’d better explain: he’s Namako, my pet turtle.
Recently, I listened to Vivaldi’s work “Concerto No 5 RV358 movement 3 – Allegro” for not less than 8 times each morning. And I just got the excellent CD: Pachelbel's Greatest Hit: The Ultimate Canon. The music is so beautiful, peaceful, holy, and unforgettable… so, after Vivaldi and Pachelbel, I’m dead.
I’m dead……