音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2008-May-18 (Sun), 9:32@GMT+8

♢ Life, Just to Live

This year is the 25th anniversary of discovery of HIV. Human had gong strides by strides on pathological mechanism and vaccine research about HIV/AIDS since then. However, we can’t have any efficient vaccine; number of unfortunate people who infected by HIV are increasing year by year. Why it’s so difficult to remedy AIDS? Why we can’t make out a good vaccine to prevent AIDS/HIV? Researchers are always troubled by such problems. A little anniversary was published on Science, 9 May. Of course, it’s not a happy anniversary.
In spite of all of them, I, who have had some knowledge about HIV/AIDS, here have a question to HIV and all relate viruses. Why such viruses have to stay in this world? Try to take a thought, a person who infected by HIV may die soon or later, and then where viruses will go after the death? Only some minutes heating in a warm water of 55 centigrade, HIV will lost its activity of infection. In other words, HIV can’t live robustly in common environments. Well, stop here and back, why HIV get human die even though viruses may die together, but with another result of peaceful symbiosis? Are so-called viruses’ lives only robbing people’s lives, and getting died themselves with infected people? Or else, the difference between live and life, never existing in this world, and is only a drifting fancy which created by people? If, I talk it on in tone of “IF”, viruses have their thoughts, and one day, we can communicate to viruses, I will ask this:
“What’s you viruses’ meaning of living?”
2008-May-04 (Sun), 6:54@GMT+8

☆ Little Light, Eternal Light (EN)

Recently, my favourite album is KOKIA’s “The VOICE.”
About KOKIA’s songs, I have not listened too much, so here I find that I may not talk her songs well. However, this album can stand in the front of all music I’ve heard.
“The VOICE” is KOKIA’s 10 anniversary souvenir album. This is a gentle and warm gift from her real heart to all fans. All the songs are wonderful. From this album, we can feel her various of tones.
Key words of “The VOICE”: Voice, Song, Feeling, Love
[01]穏やかな静けさ~浄歌 (Calm Silence ~ Sacred Song)
The first song is mingled well with CD’s jacket. From the deep indigo, KOKIA’s delicate voice touches into our ears little by little. From last to next, her voice made us warped in eternity.
――穏やかな静けさが心に宿りますように。 (Wishing the calm silence can stay in our heart forever.)
[02]Follow the Nightingale
This is a theme song of a game. In spite of it, I dare to speak the song is a very cool, no, it’s very splendid. Like “調和 (Chouwa, Harmony),” as a piece of epic, the song is such rich melody sung in full-powered self-coin words.
[03]Ave Maria
Like the first morning gloss shine downward the dim church, from high skylights, angels give us soft live and peace. Ave Maria, please bless us, endlessly.
――アベマリア (Ave Maria)
[04]届きますように (I Wish It Can Be Sent)
Could our emotions on the passed away friends reach them some time? We don’t know it and feel that it’s a so uncertain thing. However, if it do reach the friends, every time we are warped by light and blew by wind, must, we can touch their hearts.
――From your friend.
[05]song of pocchong~雫の唄 (Ballad of Drops)
There is a fairies’ spring in the remote mount. Clear and cold drops fall down onto stones deftly, turns to a slight ballad. Fast or slow, high or low, deep or light, only spirits who hold the most desire of pure nature can hear it, the fairies’ magic ballad.
――lek wistru leiam lek wistru lekiam
[06]ごめんね。 (I’m Sorry.)
Everyone all made mistakes, all hurt others’ feelings in some time. Although words wouldn’t send everything, such sorrow emotion wouldn’t be sent but only by words…
――肝心な時に意地はって言えなかった たったの4文字の優しさ (at the most crucial moment, I couldn’t tell out it, the gentleness of only 4 words)
When holy tears got dry, we believe we can become stronger. In the orange twilight, what is reflected in the eyes is the endless overflowing emotions. We have become stronger, so the next sunshine can light our new smiles.
――弱虫なんて誰も思いやしない あなたは既に充分がんばってるから (no one ever thought you are a coward, for you have done enough)
[08]何もかもが星になって (Everything Will Become Stars)
Too many people can’t flee away from fighting to others, for turn their own world more perfect. But in original, love and justice are too uncertain. Everyone will become stars one day, so please, before that, please to make our world more peaceful.
――虚しさだけが空を斬るのはいたたまれないから 何もかもが星になる頃忘れ去られてしまうの? (only hollowness are slicing the sky, for here is full of sorrow; will everything have been forgot when they turn to stars?)
[09]il mare dei suoni (Sea of Sound)
Music is amazing. Music can be created only by pure beings; music is infinity-like, and we got it from heaven. Being love to music is amazing. Music surrounds everything by its endlessness. It’s what a blessing of being born in sea of music.
――un suono caduto nel mondo in blu. un dono dal cielo. (sounds fall down toward the blue world,it’s heaven’s gift)
Do you believe eternity? If two share their hearts, love will be born from them. If lives are wrapped in shining love, we can live. If this world can go on, it will reach for eternity some day.
――I wish this world to be freed of sad and wrapped with eternal light.
[11]小さなうた (A Little Song)
Undecorated life styles like songs, little but strong. Flowing with everyday in the songs, finally, each little melody will turn to one, and make the world more graceful.
――every day every time 歌い続けたい 溢れる想い止まらない (every day every time, I want to sing all the way, and I can’t stop my emotions overflowing)
[12]「私にできること」 (The Thing I Can Do)
For we have been born in the world, we must have something we can do. No matter of how little it is, there is must someone will get it. Therefore, do our best, just bravely go on.
――届いてほしいこの気持ち あなたに贈る歌 (I want to send this feeling to you, this is a song for you)
Just my own words, if the last song is “say goodbye & good day,” the album will be more perfect. At least I think so. Now, don’t you think so?
2008-Apr-30 (Wed), 25:23@GMT+8

✯ Little Light, Eternal Light (JP)

最近1番お気になるアルバムは、KOKIAさんの「The VOICE」です。
「The VOICE」は、KOKIAさんの十周年の記念アルバムとも言える。ファンたちへの、真心からの優しくて暖かい贈り物。全ての歌も素晴らしい。KOKIAの変わり多くの声もこのアルバムでよく感じられる。
[02]Follow the Nightingale
[03]Ave Maria
――From your friend.
[05]song of pocchong~雫の唄
――lek wistru leiam lek wistru lekiam
――肝心な時に意地はって言えなかった たったの4文字の優しさ
――弱虫なんて誰も思いやしない あなたは既に充分がんばってるから
――虚しさだけが空を斬るのはいたたまれないから 何もかもが星になる頃忘れ去られてしまうの?
[09]il mare dei suoni (音の海)
――un suono caduto nel mondo in blu. un dono dal cielo. (青い世界に落ちた音 空からの贈り物)
――I wish this world to be freed of sad and wrapped with eternal light.
――every day every time 歌い続けたい 溢れる想い止まらない
――届いてほしいこの気持ち あなたに贈る歌
ちょっとだけですが、もし「say goodbye & good day」を最終曲にすれば、より完璧だと、私はこう思うの。あなたはそう思わない?