音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2008-Apr-10 (Thu), 12:22@GMT+8

✯ Real-time Lab Trace [part. 5: Apr. 4-8]

Day 15. 2008/04/04
What?! This noon I found some colonies on my plates, of which both the new X-gal spread and the more old X-gal spread, showed blue color! So that it must be that the former X-gal had lost its activity, and finally, I saw the beautiful and lovely blue of the colonies!
The Amp-free plates got a lot of colonies, contrary, there were almost not colonies on the Amp plates. There were nothing on the empty transferred plate; the pUC-18 plate got the full plate of tiny colonies. They all verified that my transformation was succeed; however, there are a few colonies on the radish and rape ligation plate, showed that most of the bacteria died on the Amp plates. Was there anything wrong in my last ligation? If it were, I would say that I got a deficient ligation time, which at least one hour but I only maintained 45 minuets at most… but even though it may be wrong in the ligation time, the un-ligated empty T-vectors should be transferred into cells, then show lots of colonies on the plates, just like the last time… well, the more I thought, the more I got puzzled.
At last, I make four new plate, with two Amp-free and two Amp added, each of them was covered by X-gal and IPTG (40:16). I spread all my remained bacteria liquid, including the liquid of this and the last time, onto the two Amp-free plates after 1.5 hours’ swing. On each Amp-added plates, I transferred 8×5 colonies from my last plates, one radish plate and one rape plate. I wanted to find some recons from the last plates. Then I transferred four single colonies from the new grown colonies, one blue from radish, two white from radish, and one white from rape, into four test tubes, then I swung them overnight for tomorrow’s PCR.
Ok, hoping to see recons, I also want to try endonuclease digesting earlier!

Day 16. 2008/04/05
This morning, I got out my plates. Now I got some new colonies which came from my second transformation. They are almost white, but it can’t instead of a succeed transformation, for some may be fake positive.
I did a colony PCR, used the bacteria liquid I swung yesterday.
I collected some colonies from the two Amp-free plates, transferred the colonies into 8 test tubes, radish tubes and 4 rape tubes. Then the PCR result showed that two of the four samples contained my target fragment, (electrophoresis photo: 080405-ColonyPCR.jpg). So that I see a beam of light toward the next step. Once again, I transferred another 12 (or 13?) single colonies into test tubes.
Ok, tomorrow, another batch of colony PCR!
Here I have a strange problem, which about plasmid extraction reagent. Solution I is a mixture of glucose, EDTA, and Tris-HCl, all the manual say that it should be autoclave sterilized. Glucose is unstable in high temperature, so its sterilization should be controlled. According to Molecular Cloning III, I set the autoclave 115℃ for 30 minutes, but I found the solution turned to brown-yellow after sterilization. Why~~~

Day 17. 2008/04/06
Today, I did only a colony PCR, used the 15 samples I swung yesterday. Nevertheless, no any amplified fragments…
In the afternoon, I spread the 8 bacteria mixture. When I centrifuged them, there was only a tiny white pellet on each bottom of Eppendorf tubes. It like that I did failed on last ligation, most of the bacteria was killed by Amp. However, I will screen the Amp-resistant colonies, so I had to spread the little liquid, with X-gal(70) and IPTG(16).

Day 18. 2008/04/07
All my yesterday re-collected bacteria got growing failed! Did the Amp was too toxic? I left the plates in the incubator so that they, which still alive but just not grew into colonies (if there were), could grow freely.
I was afraid that I failed to detect the bands, because I didn’t do the electrophoresis well, I re-PCR some samples of them. Nothing, however…
Then I got 2/3 of the target-contained two test-tubes of bacteria into 4 new tubes. I want to expand them. I also streaked the two strains on a plate—hoping to get some single colonies.
In the afternoon, I transferred single colonies once again, from the three plates:16 of rape II, 3 of radish I, and 4 of radish II. Later, I spread a few liquid. I will do colony PCR tomorrow, also the expanded two.

Day 19. 2008/04/08
For that I have got the recons of radish-AFP, now I need to screen some from rape. Nevertheless, I did a colony PCR, used the DNA templates from tube A3, A5, B3, B5, C3, which were samples from rape; at the same time, I also tried one of the samples I expanding inoculated yesterday, for testify whether I expanded the straits successfully.
While I was doing colony PCR, I tried to extracted plasmids of the expanded two straits.
At noon, the electrophoresis photo told me that I didn’t got my expected fragments beside the expanded one, and once again, I found only faint bands of plasmid…
Was it caused by the not-enough bacteria? The liquid LB medium in each tube all showed a clear yellow, just looked like the un-inoculated LB color. So that I had to swing the test tubes at 37℃ again. This time I only swung the rape tubes—I must get recons of rape! About 13:00, I swung them, and at 15:36, I found two of them turned cloudy, which showed there were bacteria grew! Ok, I got a little relief. After streaking the two bacteria liquid, I left lab complacently. The next is relied on my colony PCR of them!
2008-Apr-06 (Sun), 8:28@GMT+8

✯ Real-time Lab Trace [part. 4: Mar. 27-Apr. 3]

Day 9. 2008/03/27
One of the two plates got all the three bacteria colonies, (and some of the colonies grew together, became to moss… oh, my, this time they grew too robust!)
■Chose some single colonies and transferred to liquid LB medium test-tubes, incubated at 37℃ by swing.

In the afternoon, I tried colony-PCR first time. I originally only wanted to test 15 samples (colonies), but, what’s wrong with me, I made a PCR mixture which enough to do 25 samples, (I think that I must have got jumbled)
So that I had to do 25 samples; the tiny tube tips made my finger pain! After putting the tubes into PCR apparatus, I clocked for 1.5 hours for prepare the gel. Everything seemed OK this time, but when I saw it about 1 hour later… my PCR had been stopped… who did it!? However, only God knows…

Day 10. 2008/03/28
In the morning I tried a raw-test for the incubated bacterium in test tubes.
However, I saw nothing but RNA fragments… so that I wanted to extract the plasmids in the afternoon.
I got some solution I, II, III from a classmate who also extracted plasmids then. This time when I added about 1ml bacteria liquid, I also added 0.5μl to each PCR reaction tube. This afternoon I passed in a full and busy tempo—extraction plasmids, amplifying my target fragment DNAs by PCR, before the end of PCR, I also made a gel for the later electrophoresis.
This afternoon I got nothing but RNA fragments, however…
I don’t know which step I got missed, the plasmids should be extracted well in theory…well, try again in the next week!

Day 11. 2008/03/31
■Add some fresh medium to each test tube to let them grow more, swing at 37℃ for some hours.
■Did another PCR by another four single colonies.
■Extracted the plasmids once again.
But still I got nothing but RNAs, neither my extracted plasmids or the PCR results…

Day 12. 2008/04/01
Why I always get nothing from my plasmid extraction? No matter of what the plasmid they are, at least I should see the empty vectors which survived on the Amp added plates. Well, this morning, I did it again, and this time, I subtracted the last step of ethanol washing. Then I detected by electrophoresis, I get some bands this time, however, they are faint, very faint… and me too… (see the mixed photo: 080401-plasmid_ps.jpg)
Another painful experience, of the blue-white screening, I got nothing showed blue, it’s impossible that I could get all the colonies absorbed the ligated vectors and then grew to recons. I doubted that it might be caused by I added not enough X-gal and IPTG… so that I made a mixture of X-gal(80μl) and IPTG(32μl), then spread half to two plates. After the liquid dried, I picked some single colonies, and transferred each to the two plates. I almost repeat the cycle 100 times: burn for sterilizing, cool it and pick out a single colony, transfer to another plate… not difficult but trouble…
Ok, I incubated the plates at 37℃, oh, colors, I want to see you!

Day 13. 2008/04/02
Maybe the X-gal got something wrong, yesterday’s plates still didn’t show any color.
My lab bought another type of competent cell, DH5α. This afternoon I used it to do another transformation. The reaction was the same like last time.
After transformation and one-hour swing, I added 65μl X-gal and 8μl IPTG into each tube. For I only had two plates then, I had to spread the four tubes of bacterium, (transformation of Radish, Rape, pUC18, and a empty competent cell), into the two plates, and each bacteria I got 85μl for spreading, (hoping it was ok -__-||).

Day 14. 2008/04/03
Hah! There was nothing on the plates when I came to lab this morning. Ok, E. coli, I’ll give you some fresh medium LB and swing you and spread the plates once again!
■This morning I prepared 5 new plates.
■At noon, I mixed X-gal and IPTG in proportion, (40μl:16μl), and this time, I changed to another new tube of X-gal. Then I spread the mixture of 56μl on the surface of my LB plates.
■Waiting for a hour, I got the re-swung tubes, centrifuged, discarded the supernatant and remained about 200μl of it; spread each plate by adding 120μl of bacteria liquid.
■When I put the plates into the incubator, surprisingly, the pUC-18 transferred part got a large of tiny colonies! But the other parts didn’t get, why?
■PS: I made four Amp-contained plates and one Amp-free plate, for to verify the “empty” transferred bacteria is still alive. I also spread the bacterium which I saved last time, (about 20μl in each tube).

■[COMMENT] I felt that during the two weeks, I still repeat the same work: ligation, transferring, and screening. I even didn’t budge little forward. It was not good, however: the extracted plasmids was too few to continue, the transferred cells grow not well, the blue-white screening was no any effect, and the worst is that I don’t know what’s the root of them. Expecting to get some steps upper …
2008-Mar-23 (Sun), 6:07@GMT+8

✿ Real-time Lab Trace [part. 2: Mar. 20-21]

Day 4. 2008/3/20
■TA Cloning step 1: Ligation (in the morning);
■TA Cloning step 2: Transformation (in the afternoon);
■TA Cloning step 3: Hatch the transformed cells (overnight).

■[COMMENT] It seemed that my experiment got messed hence ligation. Firstly, I used more pMD-18-T vectors than what I should have to use, as well as my PCR products, (therefore, I used all my PCR product which from radish). Secondly, I forgot to make my ligated products and the competent cells enough touched. So that this TA cloning must get failed.
Day 5. 2008/03/21
■Because of the failure of yesterday, I had to amplify my target fragment DNA by PCR one more time. At first I wanted to try Touchdown PCR, (in the morning; by changing of Mg2+, annealing temperature 54℃, but all the tubes got nothing (why?)!
■For the first PCR, which I ran in the morning, got failed, I guessed that there may be some problems with the Taq M.M. There are two tubes of Taq M.M. in the freezer, (their code were Lot #G5910 and #G5409), and in my succeed PCR, what I used was the #G5409 one. However, today I used the other, (I didn’t know there were two tubes until my failure of morning PCR). So that I tried another PCR, and I used all the two Taq M.Ms, diluted some fresh DNA (although it may be not necessary).
PCR system (20μl): Taq M.M. 10μl; Template DNA (diluted), 1μl; Primer 1/2, 0.5μl for each; add ddH2O to final volume of 20μl.
PCR setting: [1]94℃ 5’ [2]94℃ 30’’ [3]56℃ 30’’ [4]72℃ 30’’ [5]goto “2,” 34 cycles [6]72℃ 4’ [7]4℃ for ever.
■Electrophoresis order: B1, R, B2, D2000 marker, A, B2; photo: 080321; 3.5μl sample + 1μl bromophenol blue (somewhat strange).
■[COMMENT] Really, there were my amplified products, and each DNA template got its product. Nevertheless, this time I found that the position of bands got changed. They looked very, very strange and questionable. In a word, these products were not the same as last succeed one. I got only smaller bands, and all the template got the same band! Why?! I should have gotten the correct bands like last! Here, wait a moment! In this PCR, I set the annealing temperature of 56℃. Did the higher temperature made the amplified fragments incorrectly? Well, I will verify it on next Monday by another PCR which be set a lower annealing temperature.