音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2007-Apr-05 (Thu), 12:04@GMT+8

❀ Trade-Offs

“What can you image if we all own a car?”
How do you answer it?
Answers are very much.
Such as, “we can go everywhere easier if we have a car.”
Such as, “it’s good enough that we all become rich for a luxury car.”
Also, “cars’ price must be decreased so we all can have a car, that’s the advancement of technique.”
Or, like this, “there are more cars, the air is worse. I can’t image it.”
That, what do you think?
Here, I want to talk about some deeper on this question.
In the class yesterday, Souji Masuda Sensei told us this question. He used it as a example to explained us about cost. I have forgotten why he talked it because he teach us biostatistics. But I remembered he wrote down the word “Trade-Offs” clearly.
Trade-offs, directly it means “exchange”, especially for get something has more desirable. In a word, to get something one has to pay for it. The reason also seems very simple. There is no any real “free of charge” in this world. When we want to do something and then we did, we had to pay our cost. And sometimes, we ourselves even do not found it. All the thing, there is no anything need not a cost surely. One example is the cars’ case. Others such we use money to buy, cost time to go somewhere, and love someone by our hearts… and also, the fact that we are living here.
That’s really even living also need a cost? Someone may ask so.
Though living also need we to cost for it. Can you understand? The cost of living is, our growth, aging and terminative death. That’s the cost, no one can flee. So long as we are living, we will go to death sooner or later. There is no so-called ever-young in this world, though the wish of that maintain ever-young can be came true, it’s also after the death. The cost of living is lost the young, and the cost of ever-young is lost the living. I so explained may be the COST can be understood easier. It doesn’t matter what form a cost has, but the cost is needed in everything. A cost may is money, time, heart, every form, even the living. That do is cost in the world, that do is trade-off too.
In some means, we should pay the cost. Cars make us faster to go somewhere, living can let us feel the importance and beauty of life. The air turned worse, but we can make out new fuel to prevent it, we aging day by day, but we can understand more about life. We want to pay for this good result. But there is another cost, a heavy cost even can crush someone. That is kill.
Someone one hated disappeared so one maybe delight for a moment, few ones even can live in peace however. Most of us must know it that we can’t do it. Why? For the sake of law? Maybe it is. For the sake of out guilty conscience? Maybe it is. Here, from the two cases above, they can back to the same point, the cost of kill.
Too heavy.
Everyone can make a compare to decide something. To valance the costs of each choice. The cost in our heart all the time, we are only still not conscious it.
Here, I also want to talk about some others. I am a bio-technique major, so that’s my topic now.
I think everyone all know the word “DNA”. It is our genetic material, it decided the characters of all the creations. It is natural common ground. Bio-technique, by alter DNA for new kind creates and higher products. In the field, human had gained a lot, but it also caused some problems. How should we do id the altered DNA mixed to a natural one resulted to a new species and unbalanced the nature? The altered products whether have some dangerous to human? Surely we altered DNA successfully and got higher harvest, but we also made the problems out, that is the cost of alteration. One time, I saw it in a book. There DNA is not “Deoxyribonucleic Acid”, instant of it, is “DO NOT ALTER”. Yes DNA is the essence of life, we should not to alter it and not to unbalance the nature. What should human have to pay for it of our alteration on DNA? Once the balance is destroyed, it’s so hard to return. May it’s its cost, a more serious cost than ourselves problem.
Still, I want to pay the cost for I like it. Is it human being? Though we know what a result may be caused, we also insist to do it, no matter how much the cost is. Yes that do is a human being. And, maybe the cost of living as a human is, to pay a lot for the thing only if one like it, or only one want to do it.
So we are paying, and so that we are living.
DNA、誰もわかりますか?私たちの遺伝物質、生物の性質を決めるものです。それは自然に共通するものです。生物技術、DNAを改造して、新しいものを作り出して利用すること。人間は確かこの領域に大きな成果をもらった反面、これについていろんな安全問題が起こりました。改造した遺伝子は正常の生物と混ぜて、自然のバランスを破ったらどうしますか?改造した産品は人間に本当に安全ですか?たぶん、遺伝子を改造して利益をもらったけど、こんな心配することが私たちの払った対価かもしれません。一度本に見ました、DNAはもう「Deoxyribonucleic Acid」ではなく、「DO NOT ALTER」を書くことになりました。DNAは生命の本質ですから、変わらせないものです。自然のバランスがこのDNAで維持していますから。人間はこれを改造して、いったん、バランスが破られたら、もう戻れない恐れがあります。それはその対価ですか?
2007-Mar-26 (Mon), 24:47@GMT+8

❅ にゃこ・The Cat

In front of our dormitory, there is always a cat.
I can often see him since March. I thought him might passed by there at first, but at last I knew it was wrong, for I saw him sometimes and there was food on the floor in the past one week.
Did him practically lived here? I have to doubt so though I didn’t want to doubt it. Because, when I go and back, I hardly not to see him there.
In the dormitory, everyone all like him. We give him food, touch his soft fur, or stopped our pace to gaze him in fun. Also, he not seemed to afraid any of us, he keeps tranquil no matter whoever stay beside him. Sometimes, he too sitting under the bench in the building, watching us come and go. Here, a docile thing.
However, he also have shortcomings. He is too fat and lazy! In the morning, noon or afternoon, I almost can see him on the flat or on the grass where beside, sitting or sleeping all the way. Also yesterday, I saw that fat-meat-ball on the grass. He seemed sleeping all the day. “Oh, are you still sleeping?” he must become fatter and fatter without any sport like now.
He is lazy too. Recently, a friend of mine put a paper cup on his head to give him a joker. And, do you know what happened! Got on his front feet, moved side about some centimeters, and sat down again. That’s all! We all silent for what he did. Sure enough, he’s too lazy!
But, it’s fact that we all like him. Every time we pass by there, all stopping and searching for him. If he is there, a light laugh and go. When we are in leisure, we sitting on the bench, touching him happily. And he, like his always does, stay with us docile.
He had fitted smoothly into our life, don’t him?
ஐ〰ฺ・:*:・✿ฺ ஐ〰・:*:・・:*:・✿ฺ ஐ〰・:*:・・:*:・✿ฺ ஐ〰・:*:・
2007-Mar-21 (Wed), 24:34@GMT+8

♢ すぐそばにある小さな不思議・Here Little Wonders Just Around

It was happened on my way to class this afternoon. The sunlight was warm cozy and comfortable in the high sky, breeze turned warmer that everyone felt little hot. In the grass, people all came out to enjoy the clam spring sunlight.
Such a shine afternoon, everything seemed to be slower. Like the breeze, people, the cars in the street, and me. I wandered too.
It was then I saw a white flied by me.
“ah, a beginning butterfly!”
His flied with a pairs of white wings on the grass, some other butterflies were there too.
That was the first time I saw butterflies this year. Like butterflies are increasing, it’s difficult to see more in the city. May this kind of white one I saw just now is the only kind we can often see.
I remembered clearly, when I was young, I always afraid to going out in March and April every year. Because I might step on a caterpillar if I had took no attention on each my footstep. Such a thing is increasing, little by little, as I went into the junior middle school and in the high school and now in the collage. Not because I became no afraid of caterpillars. In fact, I dislike caterpillars and think them are awful so I afraid even to see them always. So the real increasing is caterpillars themselves. Now I thought lots about it, yes I dislike them, however in the spring, they should stay here.
“Be careful, there are naughty captors.”
I said to the white butterfly and saw it flied away.
Crossed the street, I stopped. I found there were lots of little white flowers blooming among the grass.
To see them closer, also some other colors here. White, yellow, purple and violet. Different colors of the grass too, so many colors reflected in my eyes.
As I wandered, I couldn’t restrain myself to pick some of them. I picked 5 kinds, 2 yellows, 2 purples, and 1 white. They are all the kinds we can often see, but it was regret I couldn’t know their names.
I liked best of the white. Of the little flower, 10 petals opened perfectly in 5 groups of 2 petals in each group. 5 grey stamens rounded the pistil. Green stem could be seen through the white petals. The colors turned to a gentle hue. And I found another special one, with 4 more stamens in rose colors. They were all very beautiful. See the flower from its side, it liked a lotus. I could even smell the faint scent closely to them.
The others were beautiful too, especially that purple one. Liked a orchid, in middle of its petal, some yellow-black spots on it, and light white color dying roundly. Certainly, the faint scent could be smelt closely.
“The nature is a real wonder!”
Spring, daytime turns longer, temperature gets warmer and cozier, plants start to budding, flowers start to blooming, insects wake up from hibernations, everything turn to sprouting.
But why, why the changes happened in spring, why this time is called “spring”, and why…
Thousands of “whys” spilled over my heart. Surely, human adapted and reply and reform the nature, but even the best scientist may cannot answer this problems. May it’s the problems of nature itself, and we human do were born from the nature? Anyhow, here an answer is.
“May be wonders.”
Wonder, not the same as Miracle. It’s not so seldom happened, in fact, it happens all the time. No matter how tiny it is. Like the flowers under my feet, they are blooming in gay spirits.
Yes, wonders happened just around.