2006-Nov-26 (Sun), 26:35@GMT+8
もちろん、先まで、ずっと『荒野流転』を話し回りでしょう?ですから、このタイトルの「ルテン」はきっとそのシングルから出てきるに決まっていますの!実は、これはもう私の聞く癖になってきたんでしょう、何の歌や曲や一旦好きになったら、これを何度も聞き繰りかえります。月初はLiaの『Karma』、もっと前は『KANON』のテーマ曲、またはFJ YUUKAの『aikoi』、それはGARNET CROWの『まぼろし』...そして、今回は、これです。
ありがとう!FictionJunction YUUKA!
VICISSITUDE Vicissitude Melody ViCiSsItUdE!
Well, what kind of person am I? The single has been released on November 22nd, but I listened to it for the first time just yesterday. I had actually been waiting for the single since September ... However, I didn't get to it until the third day after its release. Am I a lazy girl! Anyway, it's my favorite single now.
pass it, it's my main theme now. what do you think when you read this title?
Yes, there is the answer!
Of course, till now, did I always talked about <Kouya Ruten>? Therefore the title is must connect the single. As a matter of fact, I have a hobby on listing. I can refrain a song as long as I like it all the times. It was Lia's <Karma> in the beginning of the month, before November, there were the themes from <KANON>, <aikoi> by FJY, and <Maboroshi (fantasy)> by GARNET CROW… and the song is turned this time.
Are such great songs really composed by just the 7 notes? Of course, they are wonderful, but sometimes I just can't believe it.
Though I've said it many times, I want to say it again:
Thanks! Kajiura-Sensei!
Thanks! FictionJunction YUUKA!