音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2008-Feb-04 (Mon), 7:18@GMT+8

✯ About “FairyAria”

Well, here after I finished my drawing of “theme of Halloween,” I want to say something about my work unit “FairyAria,” which I hardly write in Katakana (フェアリ・アリア; e.g. in this post). I put the space between the two words sometimes and in other conditions I don’t. however, I don’t put the space but in case of writing my blog name, (and only such case I do). In all other cases, such as when I draw of write, I will get “FairyAria Kiyoshi Kiyoko” in the end of my works.
Now, I can’t remember why I got the two words jointed.
While starting to blog in My Opera, I started to use the name. Before that I had some other sites’ blogs, and they all used another name, which might be “The Harmonia in Aquarius.” However I can rather remember its meaning: I was a chorus member in high school, and I like to listen the harmony and chord which we sang—I got that word “harmonia”; more that I’m a Aquarian, and here I think I don’t have to say more about it.
But really I forget the reason of which I took “FairyAria.” I might think the former name is too long; I might want to change a cooler name for my new Opera blog. From that I used it till now and I never think about to change a new name, I found the fact that I like this name in real heart. Well, although I can’t know the reason at present, I will know some day if I check my diary. Also, certainly it’s a cooler name, I think.
Moreover, in the beginning of this year, I added something new to it. Like some music artist’ names, I put the abbreviation “feat.” It turned to “FairyAria feat. Kiyoko” now! Here somewhat I feel that I am publishing my own album(?). To give an interesting name is one of my hobbies, so although it’s not fit for real albums, tolerate me please?
さて、これでは、最新テーマ「ハロウィン」が完成した際に、私のユニット「フェアリ・アリア」について一言を話そう。ここで始めてカタカナでユニットの名を書くのがちょっとなかなか慣れない気がするね、だって、普通、英語で書くわけだね、「FairyAria」ってもの。二つの単語の間にスペースを置く場合もあり、置かぬ場合もある、それば状況次第ことだね。けど、所謂の状況と言っても、スペースを置く場合はたった一つブログ名前を書くところしかないか。それ以外、文章や絵などところに、出来上がった後で名を付いて、「FairyAria Kiyoshi Kiyoko」になることね。
そして、今年の最始まりで、この名前に新しいものを付こうと思って、音楽のアーティスト名を真似って、「feat.」を付いて、「FairyAria feat, Kiyoko」になった!なんだか、アルバムを発表するような気がするね。面白い名前を付くのが私の趣味のひとつ、だから、本物のアルバムなどと相応しくないけど、勘弁してくれる?
2008-Feb-01 (Fri), 7:46@GMT+8

✾ YOGHURT, Photoshop, My-HIME

I started to play the online KachaKacha-game of “Moyashimon” on about January 20. Till now, I’ve collected almost all the microbes except only 5 ones. It would be more difficult to get a new one if you’ve got much. Therefore I didn’t get any new one today. Yes I can understand. But why I got Streptococcus lactis TWO TIMES today? Surely, I like yoghurt. However, since I started playing, this guy came one time at the first day, one time at some days later, and TWO TIMES today. Thanks to it, now this guy has the biggest number, of 18. Both of Aspergillus oryzae and Penicillium chrysogenum which are my favourite ones have only 10. Ah~ Streptococcus lactis, you are excellent.
Yesterday evening, when I was drawing with Photoshop, my computer got a system error: you computer does not have enough space of disk C. What? It still has about 1.5G is free. But I checked and found that’s real, my dick C had only 500Mb. Oh, wait, maybe that’s because… some days before, I got my computer initialized, I might forget to set that…
So I set my Photoshop’s scratch disk into my disk D, then all became OK.
In the last night, I watched “My-HIME” once again. In spite of I’ve known its happy ending, I couldn’t bear of the farewell between Mai and Tate. It’s a good animation! I like the couple Akane and Kazuya, the pair Yukino and Haruka, the character Natsuki and Nao; its cast list is gorgeous; its music is beautiful; it’s such a kind of marvellous animation that you might want to forget but you can’t.
None the less, what made me (yet maybe most fans) feel most happy whereas angry in this animation is, its HAPPY ending. What can I say toward that jolly scene? How I (we) desired an ending of annihilation (tears)?
Well, is my image sounds vice, all “My-HIME” staff (laugh)?
2008-Jan-27 (Sun), 26:26@GMT+8

♤ 「Dance Dance Dance」—English Ver.

I went to book building today. Also at the “foreign part,” I found some Haruki Murakami’s English version novels.
But it’s really high for £7.99 of each book. My goodness! It’s almost 4 times higher!
“If you like you can buy one.” Said my mother.
“well…” finally I chose that “Dance Dance Dance” one. In fact I like best that “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,” but there was not.
I like Murakami’s novels, sure enough.
This “Dance” I have read 4, 5 times. I’ll read again, I decided, and in English. I can learn much from the reading, without any doubt.
「では…」私はその「ダンス ダンス ダンス」を手に取った。実は、一番欲しいのが「ネジマキドリ クロニクル」だったのに、なかった。
この「ダンス ダンス ダンス」を、私はもう4、5回読んだ。今度もう一度読もうと思う、それで英語で。きっと、いい勉強になれるのね。