音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2007-Dec-28 (Fri), 24:30@GMT+8


Someday, I put all of them into my mind—of the easy-to-neglect but enough-to-pay-attention wonders. In personal, I would rather get such wonders than these famous Seven Wonders of the World.
ONE LIFE-we can live-
Just take thinking. In millions of genes in the world, that only one suit is owned by who you yourself. That suit of genes is also the most different sign of each individual. Therefore, here what I hope you to know is, our genes are healthy. In other words, we are not suffering from hereditary diseases, and we are living everyday peacefully. So if we know it, these ideals like “Ah, how mysterious birthing is!” or “It’s indeed a wonder of my life!” might float up in your mind. That we pass every day in peace does is what we need, isn’t it?
TWO LANGUAGE-we can talk-
Even animals, use voice to connect others. To human, the voice is our languages. Languages may be the most significant thing in the world. In all beings in the world, human has reached to a top level of evolutions. Human’s brain, body and action have turned more complicated. Since few types of voice cannot be enough to communication, human did languages. Finally, although to different countries, areas, or each person, there is distinction, we can communicate and make friends.
Three Melody-we can hear-
Only few notes cannot make melody. A real piece of melody can always remain in people’s hearts. Surely, music is the most illusory type in all arts. It has no shape, cannot be seen or touched, and one piece can give every people different feeling. Nonetheless, that features of melody make our enjoyment more interesting. There must be much happiness if we talk about our own feeling. However, if there is only one that the composer wants to tell, that features will be troublesome. Therefore, the next wonder was born.
FOUR SONG-we can sing-
Song is language and melody’s child. Mixing language that has more reality with melody that is illusory, song is made out. Since song should be sung; there is nothing as difficult as instrumental melody that we cannot reach. Here is an often-heard saying: “Human’s voice is the most beautiful sound.” Sometimes if we listen to too much cantatas, we could listen to some unaccompanied chorus. We can find out the special beauty in pure human voice, even though it is not as splendid and wide as instrument music, in expressing and singing range, respectively.
FIVE BIOLOGY-we can riddle-
Thanks for the former technological revolutions; we stay in a high-level technology world, and we got sciences improved. What I regard as No.1 proud science is biology, certainly. Of the more detailed fields in biology, I am interested in molecular biology especially. The mysteries of the unseen genes, the riddle of cell cross-talking, the puzzle of gene-integrating technology, etc. Human has gotten a lot, and human is facing more unknowns. The riddles are waiting for us. Moreover, I want to quote a saying from my cell biology professor: “Youngsters, you’ll never lose job if only you love biology.”
SIX ANIMATION-we can enjoy-
Besides animation, it is also include other man-made things: novel, movie, play, etc. Any dream we cannot realize in real world, any magic we cannot own in real life, any miracle we cannot embrace in general days—anything which human’s image can reach, ANYTHING, all can become REAL in animation. Firstly it maybe true, that people make animation to enjoy our children. However, there are many good animations, and there are some classical animations. In one word, we cannot neglect the position of animation.
SEVEN BLOG-we can share-
We link to the world by blogging; it is different to net chatting. Chatting can only maintain a short time, but blogging is a kind of eternity. When I browse someone’s page and find some new posts, I will think “Umm, this buddy got such a day.” Also, I wonder “what happened on that buddy?” and in front of the screen, I am not alone, for others’ hearts stay with me. The content which displayed on the screen is no more ASCII, it is the worlds of whose interesting is the same as mine. When I am online, I do not want the popular news; I only want to share my life to every buddy.
That is right, they are my seven wonders in my life. I believe, the wonders make my life more colorful. Moreover, I will set this essay to a memorial one of 2007; few days later, we will welcome 2008. I wish we can live in our loved ways, in 2008, in 2009, whenever.
2007-Dec-28 (Fri), 4:29@GMT+8

♡ 七つの不思議 (JP)

ヒトツ イノチ~私たちは生ける~
フタツ コトバ~私たちは話せる~
ミッツ センリツ~私たちは聞ける~
ヨッツ ウタ~私たちは詠える~
イツツ バイオロジー~私たちは謎解ける~
ムッツ アニメ~私たちは楽しめる~
ナナツ ブログ~私たちは分かち合える~
2007-Dec-26 (Wed), 24:17@GMT+8

❅ Xmas Trivia

my cup under my light, with white vapor out from hot lemon water—a warm feeling
It is raining from yesterday morning. As soon as I went out to verandah, I felt the cold air kissed my face. Was it a present from the GOD, which is a instead of snow?
“Comfortable air!” that, my Xmas day began.
I had a special planning on this Xmas day: let “lolitas“ all around me.
Therefore, I spent the whole afternoon time drawing them, and till 9 pm, I finished all the 12 pictures. This theme what I drew will be used for my second anniversary, of course, the name of the theme should be “Anniversary 2nd.” Then I had a happy-happy feeling. And in today’s afternoon, I colored my pictures. Suddenly, that there are 24 cute-ones stay with me, made me little surprised.
I bought are cutter at this noon. I don’t lack any cutter for using, but I was aiming THAT cutter from an earlier time. Its semi-transparent body is pink, and it’s so lovely that I had such a strong affair of own it. Well, the “cutter-event” is like what happened in last year. I bought 3 30-page semi-transparent folders at one time: the red, white, and green ones (then there was no blue one, or I would buy too). What? Semi-transparent-stationery-mania? Me?
Few days later it is New Year. At the end of this year I will write something memorialized—and that is what I decided.
ですから、午後中、私はずっと絵を描きました。そして夜の9時まで、私は絵を全部の12枚を完成しました。この新しいテーマは来年の二周年記念テーマとして描き出せました。テーマの名前はもちろん、「Anniversary 2nd」というのですね。嬉しかったですなあ~ 最後の着色は今日の午後に終わらせました。いきなり傍に24人の子が増えてちょっぴり不思議と思いますね。