音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

2008-Jan-20 (Sun), 7:40@GMT+8

✯ The First Touch of Winter

January 16, 2007, night.
As soon as I went out my flight, I was warpped by the outside cold air. Although the weather was cold, it was even warmer than my image. Well, for now, I did a deep breath.
I thought I had sucked a kind of coldness which I know. It was cold but comfortable; the coldness slided through my throat; sure, that was the coldness only from my home.
My winter holiday started then.
The curtain of winter did too.
The next day, there was a light snow.
I wonder when I met the last snow… or could be the snow was a present for my backing? Wa~ excitedly!
Outside was cold. However, the colder the better, I thought. If it turns to warmer, the snow will get deforsted, you see.
That evening, I went to the supermarket. I got surprised when I went out. The light snow had turned to bigger flakes!
Wa~ very excitedly!
Thanked it, all my way back, I was in excitement. Thinking that why it was so wonderful, I run into home and got my camera in hot haste, and I went outside again.
I wanted to save that moment forever.
Therefore, I have got the fragments of winter well, didn’t me?
2008-Jan-13 (Sun), 7:00@GMT+8

❈ Oh, My, the Crazy Senior Life!

These days are so crazy! From this Monday to Thursday, I made my 2007’s diary to 12 PDF files. Here I appreciate to MS Publish and PDFfactory! However, to match a illustration to my diary was not an easy job. Oh, I found there were stars dance around me…
Thursday’s night, I listened to Akiko Shikata’s new album “Istoria ~Musa~” and got a extremely exciting mood.
“Well, let me draw in this theme!” I decided. I designed the muses’ images yesterday morning, started to draw the pencil drafts that afternoon, but I stopped after I finished five. “Ah… I got them in a wrong 6-head-body-ratio (hbr). I always draw in 5-hbr. No, I can’t bear such draws!” So I had to draw once again…
Finally, I ended my drawing at 22:40 yesterday night. Then I started to erase the pencil sketch. I worked from 22:44, and until 23:33, I went out from the endless-like erasing.
“Ah~ my arm is so sour~”
Even though, I was satisfied for I finished.
And, when I wanted to put my glasses into its box, to my strange, I got my color pencils in my hand…
Likely that my mind had gone far away from where I stay…
Night passed, I got up and colored my outline-only draws.
Ok, then I finished all, finally, another theme draws suit, another 13 pages.
Incidentally, I took my draw stuff a photo. They are my common used tools: a pencil for drafting, a arrow-tip ink pen for outlining, a suit of 24 color pencils for coloring, an eraser, a ruler, and a folder. Until now, it definitely is a reproductive semester of my drawing. You see, in which the 60p-folder I just bought, 2/3 of it has been put with my draws. Oh, my, a scary number!
最近の日々は気が狂った。ほら、月曜から木曜まで、私は一気に平成十九年全ての日記を12つのPDFにした、Microsoft PublishとPDFfactoryへここで感謝する!でも、日記にふさわしい絵を付くことは本当に大変だわ!なんか、目の前に星々が舞っていた…
2008-Jan-09 (Wed), 3:07@GMT+8

♢ Aftereffect of "Ar tonelico"

As time goes by, my feeling toward New Year’s coming turns to slight. My life is also goes normally, no anything special. Here, day by day, my days go round; of course, there is me, the normal one. However, that’s my life, my REAL life. Sometimes I feel dull, but I have to do something meaningful for I can’t bear any wasting. Well, I should do something…
So, that here I’m again. I back to spelling my diary.
I bought a new pocket folder. 60 pages (pockets), its color is semi-transparent green. Sure, I said “semi-transparent-stationery-mania” some days ago, and that’s not a coincidence of I bought such one. This night, I put all my drawings which done from last September to now in. I also counted them, oh, dear, 56! When I’ve done such a big number? Yes, yes, forget it, that’s reality.
In addition, when I chose folders, here I only found one I like. And I selected the green one between another orange. On its cover, I saw the character “焔([Homura], blaze),” which may be the brand, was printed. “’Maybe there’s a ‘澪([Mio], waterway)’ on that orange.” I thought and got the orange. However, “That’s still the ‘焔’…” I sighed. Although I sighed, that do is a big kidding if “澪” were on that cover. Also my act was a kidding. Umm… I must listen to too much “焔” and ”澪.” That’s also a kind of aftereffect.